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The links I'm talking about are ones that can save a
soul! People need to know the truth about Americas
coming judgment and I hope and pray that you can
help. God Bless.
Please Consider
Posting Any of the Following Links or Send One
to Your Friends as email:
Sample 1
A new website,, has a revelation warning concerning
America from God's word. The site has a
free ebook entitiled The
Soon Coming Judgment of God Upon America And
How To Escape It! You'll be amazed at
what God has to say about America and how
accurately he describes her. For the first
time America's little known history is used to
prove that America is the Babylon of
Revelation 17 and 18 which God will destroy!
This may be the most important book you'll
ever read. Read it before it's too late!
Sample 2
Visit and get the free
ebook The
Soon Coming Judgment of God Upon America And
How To Escape It! The
book proves that America is Babylon of Revelation 17
and 18 which God will destroy. You need to get this
Sample 3
Many people have had dreams and visions about
Americas coming judgment but what does God's word
have to say about America? Most people insist that
America isn't found in Bible prophecy or any where
else in the Bible. A new book proves otherwise.
Using hundreds of books and articles as reference, The
Soon Coming Judgment of God Upon America And
How To Escape It!
proves that America is the Babylon of Revelation 17
and 18 which God will destroy. The book meticulously
documents little known historical facts which show
that America has or is in the process of fulfilling
every description God made of Babylon. The Bible
mentions Babylon by name 296 times in twelve
differnent books. Next to Israel, God has more to
say about America than any other nation. You need to
know what He has to say and what you need to do
about it; your life may well depend on it! Go to
today; the ebook is free.
Sample 4
Following Information May Be One of the Most
Important Emails
You'll Ever
Information Is Being Censored And Withheld
From The Public!
The most important book written about America and
for American Christians is now available to
download at This book is The
Soon Coming Judgment of God Upon America
And How To Escape It.
It proves
beyond all doubt that America is the Babylon
described in Revelation 17 and 18 which God is
going to destroy. The book is based
on understanding given to the author by God and
proven by historical facts about America, much of
them little known. These historical facts come
from hundreds of books and articles detailing
America's little known history and literally
hundreds of thousands of hours of intense research
and writing by the many authors of these works.
Many of these authors relied on original
documents from private libraries and declassified
government documents. In some cases these
documents were mistakenly declassified and not
meant to be made public. Some these authors are
relying on their direct knowledge from their
government service. Some have mysteriously died
and others have been framed and imprisoned in
Federal Prisons for their whistleblowing
Those in positions of
power in America don't want you to know what is in
this book. The only way this book will ever never
get published is by God's divine intervention.
While you can't get this book from your local book
store or from Amazon you can download it for a
donation of any amount from
The establishment
doesn't want you to know what is in this book but
God does. The author spent four years and 10,000
to 12,000 hours in research and writing of this
book under God's direction. The author depleted
all his assets in completing this book and
believes that is so important that you have it
that he is making it available for a donation of
any amount.
You, your family and
your friends need to know what is what is going to
happen in America. Most people believe that
America doesn't appear in the Bible but God has
more to say about America than any other modern
nation. And what God has to say isn't good. The
eternal life of most American's depends on knowing
what God thinks about America and then making the
necessary changes in their lives. But people
aren't going to change unless they know the truth;
thats why God directed the author to write The
Soon Coming Judgment of God Upon America
And How To Escape It.
Many have had dreams
concerning Americas coming judgment; there have
probably been hundreds of people. Among these are
some whose dreams have been well publicized. These
include men like President George Washington, A.C.
Valdez (1929), A.A. Allen (1954), Chuck Youngbradt
(1975), Henry Gruver (1986), Dumitru
Dudduman, Johnathon Hansen, and Daniel Rodes. There are also a
few excellent books that reveal America to be the
Babylon of Bible prophecy. But The
Soon Coming Judgment of God Upon America
And How To Escape It
is the only one that proves it beyond all
doubt with little known but well documented
historical facts.
People want to be
warned, they want to know the future but they are
seeking it in the wrong places. They are seeking
out fortune tellers, psychics, mediums and
mystics. God considers this an abomination. If you
want to know the future, your only reliable source
is God! God uses his prophets to warn those who
will hear and many of his prophetic warnings are
recorded in the Bible. That's what The
Soon Coming Judgment of God Upon America
And How To Escape It
is based on. It is based on the prophetic word
of God found in the Bible.
The books Harry
Potter and the Davinci Code have
gotten hundreds of millions of dollars in free
advertising through all the free publicity they've
received. These books have sold tens of millions
of copies and the authors have grown filthy rich
on promoting witchcraft and deceitful lies about
our savior Jesus Christ. The
Soon Coming Judgment of God Upon America
And How To Escape It
will never get that kind of publicity. You need to
check this book out now because this may be the
only time you hear about it.
If you are a
Christian concerned about your fellow Americans,
you need to join the grass roots effort to get
God's warning message out to America. It's easy
and will take less than one minute of your time.
Simply forward this message to your friends and
family on your email list. If you won't take the
time to warn your friends and family then who
will? God need your help to get the word out to
America. Email this letter to as many people as
possible. May God bless you and may God have mercy
on your friends and family and all of America.