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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 115
…I find [the most persecuted Christians] in the classrooms of our
government schools, where the assault is not upon the body, but the soul. I find it
in the lies that are being told to our young people, as time and again, in place after
place, they are trying to pretend that sexual perversion and promiscuity are the
normal order of the day.
The Occult in American Schools
While God and Christianity has all but been totally banned form public schools,
occultism is on the increase. Books on the occult can be found in school libraries.
Teachers use
games promoting the occult in the classroom. Occult practitioners and Satanists have been
allowed on school grounds to promote their pagan religions. And school districts have adopted
occult oriented curriculum. Parents have tried to use the courts to stop this onslaught but they
have been much less successful as those trying to remove God.
You'd have to practically live on another planet not to have heard of Harry Potter. Four
years ago, in 2001, the USA Today reported that over half of all children in the United States
between 6 and 17 had already read at least one of the Harry Potter book.
Harry Potter is a
witch and the book series incorporates real witchcraft and authentic spells. Proponents argue that
Harry is a good witch and the books teach values. Biblically speaking, there is no such thing as a
good witch, God condemns all witchcraft and all practitioners of witchcraft (Deuteronomy
18:10-13 and Galatians 5:19-21). A good witch is no different than a good prostitute, a good
adulterer, a good thief, a good murderer or a good terrorist; these are all oxymora. Harry Potter is
no less dangerous to a child than hard core pornography.
Former Satanists and witches are in the best position to tell us if the stuff in Harry Potter
is the real thing and they say it absolutely is! Stephen Dollins, a former witch and Satanist High
Priest says that Harry Potter is the most clever way he's ever seen witchcraft promoted. He writes
in his book Under the Spell of Harry Potter: “To be very blunt this is witchcraft in the form of a
child’s book!... Ultimately, our children are learning 'real' Witchcraft!”
Caryl Matrisciana was formerly involved in the occult and since becoming a Christian
she has spent 25 years studying the occult. Besides portraying authentic witchcraft favorably,
Caryl states: “Through Harry Potter books and audios, children as young as kindergarten age are
being introduced to human sacrifice, the sucking of blood from dead animals and possession by
spirit beings...” She further says “Alarmingly, the Potter books are engaging in pagan
discipleship, disciplining our children to spiritual alternatives and also turning them away from
the biblical principles and God's protection.”
Current Satanist and witches are in the best position to know if Harry Potter is affecting
children's outlook on the occult and they are praising Harry as the best thing that has ever
happened. Egan, a pagan High Priest of the First Church of Salem, Massachusetts, said that
“Harry is an absolute godsend to our cause. An organization like ours, thrives on 'new blood', no
pun intended, and we’ve had more applicants than we can handle lately.”
And “The Pagan
Federation has appointed a youth officer to deal with a flood of inquires following the success of
the Harry Potter books”
Harry Potter is on the required reading lists of many Schools; teachers are even using the
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