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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 127
It is common for lyrics to encourage rebellion and to promote disrespect of others,
killing, sex, rape, drugs, hopelessness, and suicide. While it seems quite obvious where the
inspiration for these songs is coming from, many Christians would argue that the old rock
classics were quite different. The songs were different in that many were less graphic and less
profane but the intent of many of the songs and their effects were not different. Look what
happened in the 60s with free love, rebellion and drugs. Most of the examples of lyrics below are
from older rock songs because the new songs are too profane to print.
Many rock artists of the 50s, 60s and 70s freely admit that their songs were not written
through laborious means but rather the songs came to them spontaneously from the spirit realm.
Among these are some very well known names: the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Joni Mitchell
and Little Richard.
Describing how he wrote songs, John Lennon of the Beatles said: “It’s like being
possessed: like a psychic or a medium.” Lennon’s wife, Yoko Ono, said of the Beatles: “They
were like mediums. They weren’t conscious of all they were saying, but it was coming through
them.” Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones describes the bands inspiration as follows: “The
Stones’ songs came spontaneously like an inspiration at a séance. The tunes arrived ‘en masse’
as if the Stones as songwriters were only a willing and open medium.” Little Richard was quite
frank and plainly stated that Satan was the source of his abilities to write: “I was directed and
commanded by another power. The power of darkness…that a lot of people don’t believe exists.
The power of the Devil. Satan.” In Circus magazine, Marc Storace, a vocalist with Krokus, a
heavy-metal band, described his experience this way:
You can’t describe it except to say it’s like a mysterious energy that comes
from the metaphysical plane and into my body. It’s almost like being a medium…
I don't think anyone would suggest that these songs were inspired by the God of heaven.
If they were indeed inspired from the spirit realm and it was not of God, it only leaves one
possibility. These song writers are admitting that their inspiration came from Satan's demons.
Rock music has evolved and many offshoots have developed such as: punk rock, heavy
metal rock, gothic rock, hip-hop and rap. As I continue in this topic when I refer to rock music, I
am also referring to all the offshoots. Christian music also has its own versions of these music
styles. While people may argue about the dangers of the beat; there is no defending the themes
and lyrics of rock music. Popular themes in rock, hip-hop and rap music include: lust, sex and
every sort of sexual perversion; drugs; disobedience and rebellion against all authority; violence
including rape, murder and suicide; vengeance and unforgiveness; the occult and Satanism. “One
study revealed that of the 700 most popular songs of ‘heavy metal,’ 50% speak of killings, 35%
of satanism and 7% about suicide.”
One only needs to take a sample look at the lyrics from
these different forms of music to see where they originate. It is clear that these songs originate
from the pit of hell. I don't think anyone would have recorded todays rock lyrics in the 1950's,
they would have risked destroying their business and they would have risked physical harm.
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