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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 138
Dead and many others. The extremely violent and graphic “content of contemporary films
caused Chariots of Fire producer David Putman to compare the feel of our movie culture to the
depravity of the Roman Coliseum.”
A military expert, Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, whose expertise is to condition soldiers to
kill, says that the same process he uses is being used by the entertainment industry in America.
He writes about this in his book On Killing. According to Lt. Col. Grossman, “The only major
difference is that in the military, men are taught to kill only on command, while our children are
being taught to kill whenever they want to via TV’s 'entertainment.' Grossman states on page
308, that the conditioning to kill begins with cartoons. 'It begins innocently with cartoons and
then goes on to the countless acts of violence depicted on TV as the child grows up.... Then the
parents, through neglect or conscious decision, begin to permit the child to watch movies rated R
due to vivid depictions of knives penetrating and protruding from bodies, long shots of blood
spurting from severed limbs, and bullets ripping into bodies and exploding out the back in
showers of blood and brains.' While children see horrible deaths on T.V., they learn to associate
this suffering with entertainment, pleasure and their favorite soft drink, their favorite candybar,
and close intimate contact with their date. (See On Killing, p. 302)”
Many contend that horror and slasher films are just fun but thats not true. Bob Larson
interviewed a young man named Jerry in his twenties about his love of horror films. Jerry
Conceded to Bob, “I don't know about other people, but these films make me want to act out
what I've seen.”
Larson has reviewed many horror films at theaters and estimates that the
average age of the viewers was about fifteen. He says that audience reactions to the amputations,
mutilations and killing rampages have been cheers, laughter and indifference.
The Occult
The occult is another concern in the movies; occult films in America abound. They
include dramas, comedy, action adventures, horror and children's films. Occult films include
false biblical films as well; these are films which portray a biblical theme but not biblical truth
such as the End of Days and The Prophecy. These false biblical films and other occult films are
intended to deceive people. They do this in many ways:
They pervert the truth;
They attribute to Satan and his demons greater power than they really have;
They attribute to humans power to combat Satan on their own without God;
They use good magic to battle black magic when in fact there is no good magic (this is
equivalent to trusting in Satan to defeat Satan). The Lord of the Rings trilogy and Practical
Witchcraft are perfect example of this.
These movies also give little or no credit to God for his ability to defeat Satan;
When God is recognized for his ability to defeat Satan, he is usually shown to be working
through un-repented sinners.
Often Witchcraft, Satanism, other areas of the occult and false religions are made to look
attractive. The Harry Potter movies are a perfect example. The Harry Potter movies are cute and
funny but they mix in real witchcraft and many children want to become witches as a result. Star
Wars is another film series that makes the occult seem attractive, who doesn't want the “power of
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