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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 165
influences. He writes:
One element is common in many of the school shootings: satanism. You
rarely hear much about this in the media or from educators or police. No one
really wants to admit this pervasive similarity, since that could raise difficult
issues in court about religious freedom. Most prosecutors don’t want to muddy
the waters arguing about the separation of church and state. The humanistic
approach of most criminal justice specialists makes them officially skeptical of
anyone claiming satanic inspiration to commit a crime, and in other instances,
police and prosecutors are just plain scared to confront the supernatural.
Four of the eleven major school shootings listed in this book were
satanically motivated…Of the other seven, three…indicated strong demonic
cultural influences. The others…have not provided enough evidence to ascertain
what forces precipitated the extreme evil.
Another teen killer, Sean Sellers, did not kill at school rather his satanically motivated
killings are a result of his introduction to witchcraft at his public school’s sponsored event. On
February 4, 1999, Sellers was executed for the murder of a convenience store clerk; he was also
guilty of the murder of his mother and stepfather. Larson interviewed him repeatedly both in
private and on his nationally syndicated radio talk show. Larson writes the following concerning
Sellers introduction to witchcraft at school:
Sellers began his journey into the occult, and eventually into full-blown
satanism, when he attended a school-sponsored convocation where a witch was
the speaker. The witch invited interested students to talk with her afterward, an
overt attempt at evangelism. Sean responded, and from that meeting, he
developed an apprentice relationship with the witch that led him deeper into a
study of the black arts.
Eventually Sellers read the Necronomicon and The Satanic Bible,
incorporating such teachings into his understanding of witchcraft. He determined
to break all of the Ten Commandments, a commitment which led to murder.
Another teen murderer, Tommy Sullivan, is reported to have begun his “descent into
evil” after one of his teachers asked him and the other students in his class to prepare a report on
satanism. Tommy is said to have totally immersed himself into his research listening to satanic
heavy metal records for days on end and playing the satanically inspired game Dungeons &
Dragons. In his special notebook, which he titled Book of Shadows, he wrote:
To the greatest of demons. I would like to make a solemn exchange with
you. If you will give me the most extreme of magical powers, I will kill many
Christian followers. Exactly twenty years from this day, I will promise to commit
suicide. I will tempt teenagers on earth to have sex, have incest, do drugs, and
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