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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 170
Most references about the Illuminati will tell you that this was the end of the Illuminati but as
Doc and Bill have testified, the Illuminati lives on.
This may probably be surprising to many readers but the Illuminati largely survived the
last 218 plus years through an occult organization known as Freemasonry. The Illuminati and
Freemasonry are one. There are few willing people more qualified to testify to this than Bill
Schoenberg. Bill’s occult experiences also include Freemasonry. Bill is a former 32° Mason is
the Scottish Rite and a 90° Mason in the York Rite. Some of Bill’s many other occult
experiences include witchcraft and he was a priest in the Gnostic Catholic church.
Bill says he became involved with the Freemasons because it was a prerequisite to being
involved Satanism. Bill reveals that all the prominent occultist of the twentieth century including
Satanists, Ceremonial Witches, Theosophists and New Agers were high level Freemasons.
Dr. Stanley Monteith, in his book Brotherhood of Darkness, writes: “According to the
book Ten Thousand Famous Freemasons, most of our state governors, judges, and legislators
have been, or are, Freemasons.”
Most people believe the Masons to be a Christian organization with charitable branches
such as the Shriners that raise money for hospitals. How is this connected with the occult and
Satanism? Aside from the testimonies of men who have been involved with Masonry we have
the writings of Albert Pike in Morals and Dogma that attest to the occult nature of Masonry.
According to Dr. Stanley Monteith:
Albert Pike was the leading Masonic philosopher of the nineteenth
century, and he remains the most revered Mason of all time. His body is interred
at the House of the Temple in Washington, D.C., and his statue stands close by.
Until 1974 his book, Morals and Dogma, was given to every Scottish Rite
Freemason who reached the 14°, and it is still recommended on all Masonic
reading lists.
Pike is noted for many other infamous achievements including: He was a confederate
General convicted of war crimes during the civil war; he was involved in the formation of the Ku
Klux Klan; he was Supreme Luciferian Pontiff, which means he was the highest ranking Satanist
in the world; he was the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite, which means he was
the highest ranking Mason in the United States. “It was said of Albert Pike that he was the
greatest Masonic Philosopher of the western and English speaking world; he found Masonry in a
cabin and left it in a temple.” “M&D the bible for the Scottish Rite” branch of Freemasonry
states that there was not a more honored Mason in America.
As we shall see this most honored Mason was very, very evil. The majority of Masons
are unaware of the satanic nature of Masonic Lodges; this is by design. Certain statements
deceive the majority of Masons into believing that Masonry is Christian. Joseph Fort Newton
states: “To enter our Lodges a man must confess his faith in God—though he is not required
definitely to define in what terms he thinks of God…”. Additionally, Masons are instructed not
to be “stupid atheists” but as a notable Mason observed: “Let us not be deceived. All atheists are
not stupid.”
The majority of Masons have been deceived regarding the occult nature of
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