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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 173
I think it is clear that this “most honored Mason” was a Satanist. When this Satanist died
he received wonderful eulogies from the Masonic publication Scottish Rite Journal.
Alistair Crowley had enough Masonic degrees to fill five pages. He bragged that he was
the Beast of Revelation. He was a bi-sexual, a devil worshiper and he claimed that he sacrificed
150 children in one year. The world’s press described him as the wickedest man alive.
like these would be swiftly kicked out of any Christian Church. Yet rather than being kicked out
of the Masonic Lodge, these men are revered and honored. This reveals the true and frightening
truth regarding the Masonic Lodge.
The Masons and Illuminati have had a profound impact on the United States. This can
easiest be seen in the United States Supreme Court. With thirty-four Masons having sat on the
Supreme Court prior to 1984, there have been times when they dominated the court going as far
back as 1796. But beginning in 1933 President Franklin D. Roosevelt, a 33rd
Degree Mason,
stacked the Supreme Court with his Masonic brothers. Between 1933 and 1945 Roosevelt
appointed nine Supreme Court Justices. Six of these were Masons and two had philosophies
similar to the Masons. President Harry S. Truman was another 33rd Degree Mason. He continued
the appointment of Masons to the Supreme Court. Between 1941 and 1971 these Masons held a
majority on the Supreme Court. For eight years (1949-1956) that majority was eight to one.
For thirty years the Masons dominated the highest court in the land. For thirty years they
had the opportunity to bring about the Illuminati’s agenda in America. Let me remind you of that
agenda—the destruction of the Church, the family, law and government. These noble and sacred
establishments are to be replaced with a pagan one-world government. They have been very
successful at converting America from a Christian nation to a pagan nation; “they removed God,
prayer and the Bible from our schools. They also centralized power in Washington, D.C. in an
effort to destroy our federal system.”
If you think this was by accident, you are sadly mistaken. Supreme Court Justice William
O. Douglas was one of the Freemasons on the bench during this time period. Dr. Stanley
Monteith writes the following concerning an address Douglas made to the American Bar
When he (Douglas) addressed the American Bar Association in Louisville,
Kentucky, in the 1960s, he bragged about how he and his fellow justices had
turned our Constitution on its head. Their goal was to destroy our way of life, and
they have succeeded.
Today we can see the results of taking God out of our schools: divorce, crime, drug use,
illegitimate births and illiteracy have sky rocketed. The vast majority of Americans no longer
believe in the Ten Commandments. Many believe that the next step our government will take
will be criminalizing Christian witnessing. It may not be long before teaching about God's law
(the Ten Commandments) becomes a crime of intolerance.
Wherever Satanism is involved the innocent are afflicted with terror and horror beyond
most our imaginations. There is no exception with Masonry. Masonry has a secret to
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