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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 180
instead reported him as a runaway. They would wait seventy-two hours before investigating
further. The police chief did this in spite of the fact that a stranger had approached Johnny asking
for directions as Johnny was on his way to pick up his papers. The man “turned his car around in
the middle of the street” and followed Johnny to the paper drop site. At this site were two other
paperboys and a forty-four year old attorney who was picking papers up for his son. The Man in
the car began speaking to the boys. Johnny expressed to one of the boys that he was concerned
about this stranger; the man scared him, he said. Johnny left to return home. The attorney and
one of the other boys left. The remaining boy, a sixteen-year old, saw a man walk out behind
Johnny as Johnny was walking home. He heard Johnny’s dog growl and a car door slam. He
turned around and didn’t see Johnny but saw the same car that had followed Johnny screeching
away and running through a stop sign. About an hour later Noreen Gosch, Johnny’s mother,
received phone calls from people who hadn’t received their papers. Her husband went out and
found Johnny’s wagon but not Johnny.
Noreen called the police who were located only ten blocks away. In spite of this, it took
them 45 minutes to respond. During this time Noreen called the newspaper route manager and
obtained the names and phone numbers from the boys who picked up papers at the same site as
Johnny. She called the boys and obtained the above facts from those boys. The police’s refusals
to get involved under these circumstances are very suspicious and suggest some type of
involvement in the crime. After the police refused to get involved, Noreen contacted the FBI but
they also declined to get involved because the local police chief didn’t want them to. They felt a
crime had not taken place. Noreen was forced to peruse the investigation on her own. Over the
years she repeatedly went on National T.V. with her story, and she hired private investigators. It
cost her hundreds of thousands for her to search for her son. She exhausted her financial
resources and the remainder came from fund-raisers.
Fifteen years later, in 1997, Johnny showed up at his mother’s door at 2:30 in the
morning, he was now twenty-eight. Johnny had seen Mrs. Gosch on a national T.V. show stating
she still loved him and begging him to come home no matter what had happened. Johnny did not
stay long. He confirmed the facts that Noreen and her investigators had uncovered and provided
additional details of what happened to him. Johnny named many people involved and asked for
his mothers help. He said he had escaped from his kidnappers in 1987 and had been in hiding
since then. Johnny left his mother and returned back into hiding that same day. He said if he
were to stay with his mom, both their lives would be in danger. He said the network that had
taken him was very large and the people were powerful. Johnny remains in hiding today, his
kidnappers have never been brought to justice. Following is a brief description of what happed
according to his mother Noreen:
The kidnappers had pre-selected Johnny after taking pictures of him on his way home
from school. Paul Bonacci participated in the kidnapping. He was also a victim of the kidnapping
ring. In 1991 he confessed to his attorney while in prison. Noreen says that Paul had many
details that both she and her private investigators had previously discovered. Many of these were
unknown even by the police. The FBI and Police would not interview Paul regarding his
knowledge of Johnny’s case. Paul’s attorney, John De Camp, received death threats against his
children. When Johnny visited his mother in 1997 he confirmed Paul’s participation in his
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