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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 184
“smoking gun.” He informed the Senator he would be flying home that night from Chicago with
the evidence on his private plane with his son. He never made it, his plane exploded over Aurora,
Illinois, he and his son were killed. Officials deny that his plane exploded but this conflicts with
eyewitness reports.
His briefcase was reportedly never found but this also conflicts with an eyewitness report.
A local deputy sheriff was first on the scene. The deputy reported to Ted Gunderson the
confiscation of evidence by the FBI:
The deputy sheriff said that there was child pornography all over the farm
field. The man picked up a large number of photographs and other evidence. The
FBI immediately arrived with three flatbed trucks, grabbed the evidence from his
hands, cordoned off the field, walked the field, picked up every piece of evidence,
took the plane and its parts and put it on the flatbed trucks, and told the peace
officer, “This is confidential information and don’t ever speak of it again”.
How did the FBI arrive so quickly? Why did they take away the plane and further, why
was it taken to a military base? The crash investigation fell under civilian jurisdiction not
military! A cover-up is the only logical explanation.
After the plane crash and the death of Gary and his son there were no more witnesses
willing to come forward. There were four key witnesses. Paul Bonacci, Alisha Owen, Troy
Boner and Danny King. “On July 23, 1990, after hearing many hours of testimony, the grand
jury issued an unusual and unprecedented report throwing out all of the allegations concerning
sexual child abuse and labeling the charges a ‘carefully crafted hoax’.” They acknowledged the
children had been abused but had no determination to bring the perpetrators to justice.
Alisha was charged with perjury for her grand jury testimony on August 8, 1990. The
siblings of Alisha Owen and Troy Boner were reported to have committed suicide within 6-
weeks of each other. Troy Boner and Danny King recanted their testimony. Alisha’s brother is
said to have committed suicide by hanging himself in a correction cell on November 9, 1990.
Troy’s brother Shawn “died allegedly of suicide by a Russian Roulette gunshot wound on
January 17, 1991.” Troy said Shawn was afraid of guns. Troy said when he was originally
interviewed by the FBI, their “attitude was, no this type of thing doesn’t happen.” The FBI
instructed him, “If you go with this story, your going to go to jail.” Troy agreed to change his
testimony. Based on Troy’s changed testimony, Alisha and Paul were both charged with perjury.
Alisha had testified to the grand jury, among other things, that Omaha Police Chief
Robert Wadman had gotten her pregnant when she was 14 years old. A simple DNA test could
have confirmed or disproved this statement. At her trial, her attorney John De Camp showed how
Troy Boner’s video testimony had been edited to make it appear their testimonies were
conflicting. Alisha was found guilty. She was sentenced to 9-27 years in prison. Not surprisingly,
the other seventy-six children recanted their reports of sexual abuse in the Franklin matter.
The testimonies of the many different children were very similar. The children knew
many things that just couldn’t have been fabricated. Paul Bonacci drew diagrams of rooms in the
White House that weren’t open to the public. There is much more very convincing evidence that
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