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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 188
application to unwitting subjects in normal life settings. It was noted earlier that
the capabilities of MKULTRA substances to produce disabling or discrediting
effects or to increase the effectiveness of interrogation of hostile subjects cannot
be established solely through testing on volunteer populations. Reaction and
attribution patterns are clearly affected when the testing is conducted in an
atmosphere of confidence under skilled medical supervision….
17. …Present practice is to maintain no records of the planning and
approval of testing
(Emphasis added)
The CIA conducted their experiments on military bases, university campuses and
hospitals and at private facilities. At least 80 universities are known to have been involved with
These universities had testing programs and had academics involved in testing
programs, or had academics involved as consultants. Documents released from the freedom of
information act show involvement from the following Universities: Rutgers University,
Columbia University, Cornell University, Stanford University, University of Maryland Medical
School, Baylor University, Emory University, University of California at Berkley, University of
Washington, University of Minnesota, Georgetown University Hospital, Johns Hopkins
University, University of Wisconsin, Brown University, Ohio State University, University of
Delaware, University of Denver, University of Rochester, and the University of Illinois Medical
Volunteers and unwitting participants (people used with out their knowledge or consent)
were subjected to numerous types of inhumane experiments by researchers in search of methods
to control the mind. These experiments included the use of: drugs, sensory deprivation, hypnosis,
electro-shock, drug induced sleep, light and sound technology, radiation and others. People were
given massive doses of LSD and other drugs over extended periods of time. They were subjected
to sensory deprivation until they nearly went crazy. And they were given massive quantities of
drugs and induced to sleep for weeks on end in an attempt to erase their memory. The attempt
was made to erase a person’s memory and then recreate the person through hypnosis with new
memories so the person could be controlled.
The hideous inhumane nature of these experiments created the need for them to be
conducted in a very secret manner. There were men of moral conscience within the CIA who
would have exposed the experiments had they known of them. For example, a sensory derivation
experiment planned by Dr. Maitland Baldwin was “shot down” by a CIA medical officer. This
officer said the project was “immoral and inhuman.” He suggested that those promoting the
experiment might want to “volunteer their heads for use in Dr. Baldwin’s ‘noble’ project.”
there were more men like him I wouldn’t be writing about MKULTRA.
The CIA also experimented with controlling a person through the inducement of multiple
personality disorder (MPD). The experimenters thought that by controlling the alternate
personalities they could create amnesia in the dominant or conscious personality. By this they
hoped they could control people with out them having any memory of the acts that they
performed while under control of the alternate personality. Author John Marks explains:
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