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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 193
forced to participate in “black-op” assassinations, many of them overseas; being
placed in an adult-sized gyroscope and spun to split my personality further; being
spun on a table-like device (aka ‘spin-programming’); being covered with insects
in enclosed containers.
Most of the acts I was forced to perform that were filmed were later used
to blackmail me into silence and further cooperation.
Whenever I was caught remembering, either by my handler or by others
assigned to keep an eye on me, I was then transported to a facility where I was
forcibly given more drugs and ECT applications. These repeated regimens further
shattered my memories and kept me controlled and amnesic. They continued until
I finally remembered enough to make myself safer.
Other acts were perpetrated against me, but this is all I can remember at
this time. I attest that the above is completely true and correct.
As one can easily see, the MKULTRA mind control program is very evil. But it is more
than that, mind control is the most satanic, the most evil of all injustices; it is worse than murder
and sexual abuse. It is Satan’s attempt to control the destiny of humans; it is his attempt to keep
them from accepting the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Therefore it should not be surprising that
such an activity would be accompanied by the actual worship of Satan including human
sacrifice. Once a person understands what the U.S. government is involved in, it should not be
surprising that they have employed people like U.S. Army Lt. Colonel Michael Aquino, High
Priest of the Temple of Set, who allegedly is a programmer; or Cisco Wheelers Father who was a
member of the Illuminati, a 33rd Degree Mason and a programmer known to many victims as Dr.
Black; or Dr. Josef Mengele, a programmer known to many victims as Dr. Green.
Dr. Josef Mengele was a Nazi war criminal that experimented on Jewish, men, women
and children in Nazi concentration camps. According to Fritz Springmeier, he is the father of
modern mind control techniques and was smuggled to the U.S. under project Paperclip. Fritz is a
researcher on the Illuminati and a Pastor who ministers to mind control victims. One of the
women he ministers to was a victim of the Nazi concentration camps and identified Mengle.
Another common element among victims that has been noticed by their doctors and
researchers of mind control is that there is a connection to Freemasonry. As I documented above,
Freemasons at the highest level worship Satan. In an interview Dr. Kent states the following
concerning his discovery of an apparent connection between SRA and Freemasonry. You may
notice that Dr. Kent seems to be somewhat perplexed at the Masonic involvement in SRA. It
appears he is unaware that Masons at the highest level openly worship Satan:
Early on in my research when people were coming forward with accounts,
some accounts appeared about deviant Freemasons - some of the people making
allegations were indicating that their fathers had been Freemasons and that
somehow their alleged abuse they thought was connected with the Lodge or
Freemasons. Occasionally, abuse accounts, and I can't say definitively, but if they
were true, seem to have occurred inside Masonic Lodges and so on. I was really
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