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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 195
Dark Secrets depicts a nighttime ritual at Bohemian Grove. The members observe an
occult ritual of a very dark nature called the “Cremation of Care.” The ritual participants wear
red, black and silver robes. The occult ritual includes the worship of a giant stone owl, and the
sacrificing of a human being in effigy. The effigy represents “dull care.” The sacrifice is made to
the “Great Owl of Bohemia.”
Jones described the scene: “This is like something out of a Hollywood movie, where
teenagers are out camping in the wilderness and come over a hill and witness some devil cult in
black and red garb sacrificing some poor soul on a bloody altar.”
Jones researched the historic origins of the ritual and found it to be a mixture from
several ancient pagan religions. These include the pagan religions of the Canaanites,
Babylonians, Celts and Scotts. The Canaanites and Babylonians worshiped Molech, the Celts
were Druids and the Scotts had Masonry.
The Bible makes ten references to the worship of
Molech (or Moloch) and seven of these ten are related to the sacrificing of children.
Druids also did human sacrifices and also sacrificed and burned animals in order to predict the
The Bohemian Club’s own literature states that a portion of their “ceremony derives from
Druid rites.” Writing in Spy Magazine in November 1989, Peter Weiss states, “Bohemian Club
literature . . . boosts that the Cremation of Care ceremony derives from Druid rites, medieval
Christian liturgy, the Book of Common Prayer, Shakespearean drama, and nineteenth-century
American lodge rites.”
Near the beginning of the Cremation of Care ceremony, the occult priest running the
ritual at Bohemian Grove declares: “The Owl is in his leafy temple. Let all within the Grove be
reverent before him.” Reverence means to show honor or respect. The Bible frequently uses
“reverence” in association with the worship of God. According to Texe Marrs, “The owl is a
symbol of ancient mystery Babylon” and it was worshiped by Egyptians and ancient
Babylonians. After speaking a few other lines, the priest says, “…for behold. Here is Bohemia’s
shrine and holy are the pillars of this house.”
The priest then conducts the ritual sacrifice of a human in effigy; the effigy representing
“dull care.” The sacrifice is accompanied by a host of ritual statements. Near the end of the
ceremony, the occult priest declares: “Oh Owl! Prince of all mortal wisdom, Owl of Bohemia,
we beseech thee, grant us thy counsel….Oh great Owl of Bohemia, we thank thee for thy
These men are seeking the wisdom and counsel of a stone owl. It is the God of
heaven from whom we should seek counsel; he is the only wise God
and it is his love
(adoration) we should be thankful for. When these men seek counsel from a piece of stone, Satan
will oblige them and supply his evil counsel. As a result of this evil counsel from Satan, we shall
see in later chapters how America has caused the nations of the earth to suffer.
This is definitely an occult ceremony but there may be many members who do not
recognize its occult significance. It is possible that some members may see it at an innocent
ceremony with no spiritual significance. There is no excuse for these men; the club’s own
literature reveals that the ceremony is derived from Druid rites. If these men are so naive or
ignorant as to not recognize the evil satanic influence, they certainly can’t be trusted to act in a
righteous manner in their positions of power. These men are easy prey to the deceits of Satan!
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