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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 22
word and his commands.
The conclusions in this book do not depend on any single source or single fact. If in the
course of time some source or fact is proven to be unreliable, this book stands on overwhelming
factual documentation. I fully expect this book to come under attack. I expect the conclusions to
be challenged and I expect  my qualifications, character and patriotism to be challenged.
Slanderous attacks on my character and false allegations will only serve to validate the
conclusions in this book. While I expect a barrage of attacks against the conclusions in this book,
I don't expect attacks on individual facts because they are well documented. Therefore, the
attacks against this book will be unfounded, emotional and nonfactual. Because the facts are true,
I expect God's opponents will be unwilling to debate based on the facts. While I love my
country, my first allegiance is to my heavenly Father and my savior Jesus Christ. I am not
responsible for the evil actions revealed in this book and I refuse to be part of them by covering
them up.
The truths revealed in this book are emotionally trying but every American should know
them. Many people are afraid of the truth or they think they can not handle the truth but Jesus
said, “the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32) God desires to set you free; that's why He
directed the Prophet John to write the book of Revelation and that's why He directed me to write
this book. Further, some think the the book of Revelation cannot be understood. Jesus told John
not to seal up the prophecy (Revelation 22:10). What  Jesus meant was that he wanted people to
read the book of Revelation and that he would reveal its meaning. Jesus also said: “Blessed is he
that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are
written therein: for the time is at hand” (Revelation 1:3). I pray that those who read this book
may receive the blessings that God has for them!
Some may be offended by certain statements or facts written in this book. In fact, I don't
believe anyone could read this book without being offended by something. It is not my intent to
offend but to share the truth of God’s word in love. Unfortunately, as sinful beings we often take
offense when our comfortable status quo is revealed to be contrary to or in opposition to God's
word. This could be the result of any of the following:
Sins or false beliefs in our own lives.
Sins or false teachings in our church.
The crimes, sins and deceptions of our nation.
We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). The question is,
what is our response when we are confronted with our sin? Do we defend our sin and error and
continue in it? Or do we confess our sins, repent and enable Jesus Christ to change our lives?
One choice ultimately leads to eternal death and the other to eternal life. I hope and pray that
you, the reader, if offended, will prayerfully consider the truths that God is revealing and take
any necessary actions in your life that is necessitated by any new truth. As I have learned new
truth, I have had to make the same choice. I have chosen to trust in Jesus Christ and his word and
I have never regretted it!
I do not take God’s holy word lightly and I believe that God will hold me and other
teachers of his word in higher accountability because of the responsibility he has bestowed upon
us. I have been very careful in representing the truth of God’s word in this book. I have not relied
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