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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 220
Chris Smith, U.S. Representative From New Jersey, described abortion procedures during
a Senate hearing on the Mexico City Policy in 2001. He stated:
Abortion methods include dismembering innocent children with razor
blade tip suction devices, some with the power of 20 or 30 times a household
vacuum cleaner, or injections of chemical poisons designed to kill the child.
Salt poisoning abortion entails injecting high concentrated salt water into
the baby's amniotic sac. The baby breathes in the salty water and is burned alive,
internally and externally. It takes about 2 hours to kill the child in this way.
In recent years most Americans have been shocked to discover yet another hideous
method to destroy an unborn child, partial birth abortion. Performed in the second and third
trimester, the abortionist delivers the entire body except for the child's head. He then stabs the
back of the child's head with a pair of scissors. The abortionist then sucks out the brains of that
child and kills him or her. If that isn't violence against children, I don't know what is.
You would expect that there would be some type of federal law that would require some
form of counseling but there isn’t. There are little to no restrictions on what an abortion clinic
can tell a woman. A former abortion clinic owner, Carol Everett, says that everything that is told
to the woman is designed to get her to go through with the abortion and it is all lies. Her
testimony is representative of many testimonies I’ve heard from former employees or owners of
abortion clinics. She states:
We opened our clinic and the first month we did 45 abortions. The last
month I was there, with two clinics functioning in the Dallas area, we did over
500 abortions a month in that clinic. I was compensated at the rate of $25.00 per
case plus one-third of the clinics, so you can imagine what my motivation was. I
sold abortions….I had made $150,000; was on target in 1983 to make $260,000;
and when we opened our five clinics, I would have been taking home about a
million dollars a year….
The counselor that the girl speaks to on the telephone is paid to be her
friend. She is supposed to seduce her into a friendship of sorts to sell her the
abortion. There are usually two questions the girls ask. The first is: Does it
hurt?… Then they ask: Is it a baby? “No, it's product of conception; it's a blood
clot; it's a piece of tissue.” [She is lied to.]
When the girl goes in for the abortion she pays up front then goes into a
room for counseling. They give her a 6 to 12 page form. This form is written by
an abortion attorney to confuse the girl to death. It works and she doesn't ask any
questions…. I cannot tell you one thing that happens in an abortion clinic that is
not a lie.
Baby Parts For Sale
Abortion is an extremely atrocious crime against precious, innocent children and it is a
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