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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 224
were two goddesses to whom child sacrifices were offered.
In Melbourne, Florida, pro-lifers contend that the local owner of an abortion clinic
indicated that her abortions were child sacrifices. While the pro-lifers were protesting, the clinic
owner hollered at them, “You practice your religion and let me practice mine.” When asked what
her religion was the owner is alleged to have responded, “My religion is a holy ritual of child
sacrifice.” Directors and employees of the abortion clinic are known to be involved in witchcraft.
This was most likely an impulsive response. Human sacrifices generally aren’t involved in
witchcraft because they claim to worship the earth. Nevertheless, as witches, they actually
worship Satan and the aborted babies whether intended or not, serve as sacrifices to Satan.
A feminist Episcopal Priest, Carter Hayward, made an astounding and
revealing statement in a speech at the National Abortion Federation in 1985. Her
statement was published in the Federation newsletter. She stated: “If women were
in charge, abortion would be a sacrament, an occasion of deep and serious and
sacred meaning.”
Ms. Haward has profaned the use of the word sacrament but in so doing she has revealed
her true nature. In her statement she infers that an abortion is an offering to god. She has revealed
who her god is. It is not the God of heaven; it is Satan who receives pleasure from the sacrificing
of babies. The god of heaven condemned this act and those who participate in it.
As a former abortion clinic worker and former member of Planned Parenthood, Judith
Fetrow, fosters the notion that abortion is child sacrifice. She says that her and her cohort’s
dedication to abortion was similar to a religion. The abortion clinic was their church and the
babies were their sacrifice. She writes:
To understand Planned Parenthood, and to love your enemy and pray for
them effectively, you must understand the women who work there. We were
dedicated – dedicated to women’s right and dedicated to abortion. That dedication
took almost a bizarre, almost religious twist. The abortion clinic was our church,
abortion was the sacrament, the babies were the sacrifice. I say the clinic was our
church because the clinic was where we truly worshiped women’s rights and
women’s reproductive freedom. Reproductive freedom says to the woman, there
are no consequences, there is no sin.
Abortion meets the requirements of a human sacrifice to Satan according to a former 7th
generation occultist, Doc Marquis. Doc's family has been in the Illuminati for 183 years. He
received 10 years of formal occult training in a school setting, which included instruction in the
eight nights of human sacrifice. Regarding abortion and human sacrifice he states:
If you study the way they are executing these babies in these abortion
clinics your gona find out that these methods are old hat; they were doing it all the
way back in the temples of Moloc. This is why during the early parts of the 70s,
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