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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 229
The U.S. realized that it couldn’t effectively control the population of the world alone.
NSSM 200 states that the U.S. should seek the cooperation of the developed nations of the world
and should seek to use international multilateral organizations to accomplish their goals. Specific
Organizations mentioned include: the World Bank; the World Health Organization (WHO), the
United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA); and UNICEF:
…there are many opportunities, bilaterally and multilaterally, for U.S.
representations to discuss and urge the need for stronger family planning
programs…. The U.S. should encourage heightened international interest in and
commitment of resources to developing delivery mechanisms for providing
integrated health and family planning services to neglected populations…
Encouraging the World Bank and other international funding mechanisms,
through the U.S. representatives on the boards of these organizations, to take a
broader initiative in the development of inexpensive service delivery mechanisms
in countries wishing to expand such systems….The WHO should be asked to take
the leadership in such an arrangement and is ready to do so. Apparently at least
half of the potential donor countries and the EEC's technical assistance program
are favorably inclined. So is the UNFPA and UNICEF. The U.S., through its
representation on the World Bank Board, should encourage a broader World Bank
initiative in this field…
The report emphasizes the most cost effective means of population control, which are low
cost contraceptives but it clearly states: “contraceptive services and information is not a complete
answer to the population problem.” It further states that “overall assistance strategy should
increasingly concentrate on selective policies which will contribute to population decline as well
as other goals.”
In hind site we can see that the selective policy they have concentrated on is
It is likely that many, more likely most, less developed countries (LDCs) would find the
population control agenda of the U.S. objectionable. The report suggest that LDCs could be
coerced into obtaining desired population growth objectives by making those objectives a
condition of obtaining economic and food aid. The report further states that this should be
approached very cautiously so that the LDCs do not realize they are being coerced:
There is also some established precedent for taking account of family
planning performance in appraisal of assistance requirements by AID and
consultative groups. Since population growth is a major determinant of increases
in food demand, allocation of scarce PL 480 resources should take account of
what steps a country is taking in population control as well as food production. In
these sensitive relationships, however, it is important in style as well as substance
to avoid the appearance of coercion….
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