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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 242
country said we interpret it [the issue of abortion] the same as you - we interpret that these are
issues of national sovereignty.”
U.S. concerns originally arose over language in the U.N. report that women should be
assured “universal access to sexual and reproductive health.” Austin Ruse of C-FAM states: “In
U.N. parlance, sexual and reproductive services refer to abortion.”
Steven Ertelt of has a similar comment, he states: “While the Beijing declaration does not promote
abortion, many countries that back abortion have interpreted it that way and define it as a
guarantee to abortion.”
A common tactic of lawyers is to word something ambiguously so in the future they can
spin the interpretation according to their desires. The simple truth of the matter is that if the
countries of the world viewed the issue of abortion as a matter of national sovereignty, they
would have made sure that that is what the declaration clearly stated. The U.S. has been a major
promoter of abortion worldwide and when we had the opportunity to take a stand for life, we
caved in. It must be remembered that the UNFPA is a creation of the United States and that it is
fulfilling the purpose for which it was created, worldwide populations control, which includes
worldwide proliferation of abortion.
World Bank & IMF
The Word Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) have diligently worked to
expand legal abortions around the world under the direction of the U.S. as mandated in NSSM
200. The Word Bank and IMF were created as a result of the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference.
The purpose of the World Bank was to provide WW II reconstruction financing for Europe.
After only four loans the lending priorities of the bank were shifted to less developed countries.
Now the bank’s “mission is to fight poverty and improve the living standards of people in
developing countries.”
Since its inception, the World Bank has lent over $500 billion to low
and medium income countries.
Currently the bank lends out approximately $20 billion a year
to developing nations.
The World Bank currently has 184 member nations.
The member nations have
provided the cash reserves. It raises addition money by selling bonds. “The member countries
technically own the Bank and determine its key strategies, policies, lending, and membership.”
Members of the World Bank must also be members of the IMF.
“The United States is the
bank's largest shareholder” and “[t]he bank traditionally has had an American president.”
The IMF began with 44 members in 1944 and now has 184 members. The IMF’s purpose
is to “to shorten the duration and lessen the degree of disequilibrium in the international balances
of payments of members” through the following: promotion of international monetary
cooperation; promotion of exchange stability; by providing assistance in the establishment of
multilateral payment systems; and by making the assets of the fund available to members to
correct short-term imbalances. The IMF also makes loans to member nations. There is currently
approximately $90 billion in outstanding loans.
The majority of IMF funds come from quota (capital) subscriptions of the member
nations. The quota (capital) subscription is based on the size of the nations economy. The U.S.
pays the largest share of quota (capital), approximately 17.5%.
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