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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 244
Commission, located in Geneva. All of these agencies are now headed by
dedicated, hard-line feminist activists who are enthusiastically implementing the
feminist agenda.
Writing in his newsletter, The Interim, John Henry Westen states that the World Bank
and IMF are “completely entrenched” in the promotion of population control and abortion. He
further states that this is directed by the U.S. through a “special division of the U.S. Treasury
Department known as the National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial
Policies.” Westen writes:
The world's two foremost financial institutions, the IMF and World Bank,
are completely entrenched in the provision and promotion of population control -
and thus, abortion - in poor countries in which they operate. Their direction
actually stems from the United States government itself.
A special division of the U.S. Treasury Department known as the National
Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Policies has
orchestrated the programs of the IMF and World Bank to fall in line with U.S.
foreign policy, which officially includes population control.
The United States of America through its citizens, its non-profit foundations, its non-
government organizations and through our government itself has proliferated abortion
worldwide. The worldwide abortion and population control agenda has been promoted and
funded by the U.S. The U.S. has indoctrinated the developed nations of the world into their
Luciferian abortion agenda. They have enlisted the help of the developed nations to fund the evil
abortion agenda through international multilateral organizations such as UNFPA, the World
Bank, the IMF and many others. The U.S. has used these multilateral organizations to pressure,
coerce and bride nations into accepting the abortion agenda that comes straight from the pit of
hell. Clearly and undeniably, the U.S. has led “the kings of the earth” into fornication against the
God of heaven (Rev. 18:3).
God Will Not Be Mocked
God says children are a blessing! (Duet. 28:4, 11; 7:14) The United States has been
telling the world for over 35 years that God is a liar. The U.S. says children are a curse through
their population control programs funded throughout the world. Paul tells us in Galatians, “God
is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” The U.S. has sowed death
through its abortion agenda, this is what we shall reap!
God Hates The Killing of the Innocent
The crime of killing innocent children is a particular sin that God will not tolerate. God
did not tolerate it in Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, Jebusites,
or the Israelites.
God destroyed all these nations and one of his stated reasons was
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