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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 247
Isaiah calls Babylon the “Lady of the Kingdoms” (Isa 47:5). The Hebrew word for which
“Lady” is translated is the feminine form of master or Lord. The book of Revelation calls
Babylon a queen (Rev 18:7). Lords and queens are rulers and Babylon is the ruler of the nations.
Habakkuk tells us that Babylon will “gathereth unto him all nations, and heapeth unto him all
Revelation 17 tells us that Babylon will reign over the kings of the earth. (Rev 17:18).
Also of significance is that ancient Babylon was represented by an Eagle (Ezekiel 17:3,12; and
Daniel 4).
Opposition to a one-world government from within the U.S has been successful only at
slowing down the progress towards what is called the New World Order (NWO). This success at
slowing the march towards the NWO is not the result of man's interventions but of our holy
Father in heaven. Ultimately, God is in control and will only allow a one-world government in
his own timing. It was God who gave us our Constitutional rights that protect the citizens of
America. The Declaration of Independence declares: “We hold these truths to be self-evident,
that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Under the direction of
God, the founding fathers formed America’s form of government, a Constitutional Republic. The
Constitution guarantees American citizens our rights through the Bill of Rights. Our Republican
form of government allows us to elect our leaders and insures that minority groups are protected
and represented.
Because of our God in heaven and our Constitutional Republic, the American people
have experienced freedom never known before in the history of the world. These are not
freedoms that Americans will give up easily. Of most importance is the freedom of religion, the
freedom to worship our God, to keep his commandments, to train our children according to his
holy word and to seek his protection over our lives and our country. Next in importance is the
right to bear arms. It is the threat posed by tens of millions of gun owning Americans that puts
fear in any who would appose the sovereignty of America.
The quests to rule the world is not new, men have sought to rule the world since almost
the beginning of time. Nimrod, an occult leader, established rule in ancient Babylon. God did not
want one corrupt individual to rule the world. Therefore, God caused the people to begin to
speak many different languages. The people divided-up according to those languages and spread
out over the earth (Genesis 10:8-10, 11:1-9). Many men since Nimrod have attempted to bring
the independent nations God established under one kingdom. Among these were the revised
kingdom of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. Since the fall of Rome there have been
treacherous wars fought in an attempt to revive the Roman Empire. Napoleon tried it and both
WW I and WW II were fought to consolidate Europe but none have succeeded. A one-world
government will only happen when God allows it. It will be in his timing.
In 1990, Vatican insider, Malachi Martin wrote that the those under 40 years of age
would live under the control of a one world government. He said that the their existed a struggle
for control of the world government between the Vatican, Russia, and the West led by the United
States. In his book The keys Of This Blood, he writes:
Willing or not, ready or not, we are involved in an all-out, no-holds-
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