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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 250
Freemasonry and the Illuminati are essentially one; at the time the Illuminati was discovered it
had so “enmeshed itself into masonry that there was no way to tell where Illuminism ended and
masonry began.”
While the Illuminati and Freemasonry are intimately connected, one does not
have to be a member of Masonry to become a member of the Illuminati.
The Illuminati operates in much the same way as the Masonic Lodge. They set up a large
number of front organizations. These front organizations include both secret organizations and
public organizations. One secret front organization was that formed by Adam Weisphalt on May
1, 1776. The large number of organizations provides many benefits. The two most important of
these are continued secrecy and plausible deniability. If a front organization is caught doing
something subversive or illegal, the elite bloodline leadership and other organizations are
insulated from the exposure and possible repercussions. As an example, Adam Weisphalt’s
Illuminati organization was exposed to the Bavarian government when a courier was struck by
lightning in 1785. The courier was carrying a book that contained the history and plans of
Weisphalt’s Illuminati. Their plans included the destruction of the Church, the monarchy and a
worldwide revolution. The French Revolution was scheduled to begin in 1789. Because of the
exposure of their plans, Weisphalt and his associates had to go into hiding to avoid prosecution.
But the Illuminati elite did not have to go into hiding. Weisphalt’s Illuminati were essentially a
front group for the Illuminati. The Illuminati elite (those who believe they are of a special
bloodline), were insulated from exposure and continued on.
The Illuminati have sought to establish a one-world government since their beginning.
The Illuminati also seeks the destruction of the Christian Church, the family, law and sovereign
governments. The French Revolution is a perfect example of what the Illuminati seek to establish
in the world today.
The French Revolution devastated France between 1787 and 1799. This was not a
revolution established to bring an end to tyranny; it sought to bring about the goals of the
Illuminati. The revolution was originated by the Illuminati with support from the Masons, and
The Jacobin Club.
As a result of the revolution King Louis XVI, his wife, Marie Antoinette, and his family
were executed. The Monarchy, which had provided a favorable environment for Protestants and
had expanded the middle class, was destroyed. Under the Illuminati, Protestants were persecuted
and executed; later Catholics experienced the same fate. Bibles were burned and banned. The
middle class was oppressed and approximately 300,000 people lost their lives. It was the
Illuminati’s plan to reduce the population by one-third to one-half. They hold a similar goal for
the world today.
The Revolution began under the guise of atheism but the true goal was to set up a pagan
society with many gods who in reality were representations of Lucifer. During the revolution
French prostitutes paraded through the streets and were worshiped as gods. A half naked
prostitute was enthroned as the goddess of Reason on the alter of the Notre Dam Cathedral.
Another of their gods was the God of Liberty. The God of Liberty represented liberty from God
and his laws not political freedom. The Statue of Liberty in New York was a gift from French
Masons to American Masons and it represents the Satanic Goddess of Liberty and Reason. In the
statues original design she held a cup, symbolic of the whore riding the beast in Revelation 17.
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