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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 255
an insider of the elite, wrote the following concerning Morgan’s involvement in financing
Communism in the United States:
The chief evidence, however, can be found in the files of the HUAC
(House Un-American Activities Committee) which show Tom Lamont [a senior
partner in J. P. Morgan and Company—Ed.], his wife Flora, and his son Corliss as
sponsors and financial angels to almost a score of extreme Left organizations,
including the Communist Party itself.
Gary Allen and Larry Abraham in None Dare Call it Conspiracy point out that Hitler,
Lenin, Napoleon and Caesar had no education and where men of poverty. They also point out
that the same is true of those who have formed and worked in organized crime (the Mafia) in
America. So they pose the question: What would happen if a group of men had the same
ambition as Hitler, Lenin, Napoleon or Caesar but they also had the best educations, vast riches
and power?
The answer is quit simple, you would have a group of men capable of controlling
large segments of the economy, they would have money to control politicians and they would
also have the money to control the press. This is exactly what has been done! Incidentally, Hitler,
Lenin, and Napoleon were not self made men, they were backed financially by members of the
Illuminati Front Groups In America
Of the numerous Illuminati front groups in America, five have particularly stood out.
These five have both power and influence in America that have made great progress towards a
NWO. The five groups or organizations are: the Order of Skull and Bones, Rhodes Scholars, The
Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderbergs. The Trilateral
Commission and Bilderbergs are offshoots of the CFR and contain foreign membership.
Members of the Skull and Bones, Rhodes Scholars, CFR, Trilateral Commission, and
Bilderbergs are the most important figures in America who take part in this conspiracy for a
NWO. Dennis Cuddy, in his book Secret Records Revealed, deals largely with the role Rhodes
Scholars and CFR members have played in this conspiracy. Although it is frequently called a
secret conspiracy, that isn’t exactly correct. Dennis records in his book that over thirty-nine
books have been written by conspiracy participants concerning the plans for a NWO along with
numerous other articles and reports. Many of these books, articles and reports actually involve
discussion of strategies by which the NWO can be brought about. One of the most well known of
these books is Tragedy and Hope by Professor Carroll Quigley. Tragedy and Hope doesn’t
involve strategy; it is a very comprehensive history book and is very significant because an
insider to the conspiracy wrote it. Prof. Quigley was the mentor of President Bill Clinton. In
Tragedy and Hope Prof. Quigley actually exposes the conspiracy; he writes:
…the powers of financial capitalism [the Global Socialist seeking a one
world government largely made up of International Bankers and the Federal
Reserve Banks] had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world
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