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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 271
Rumsfeld, John Ashcroft, Henry Kissinger and Newt Gingrich).
Some foreign guest speakers
of the past have include: “Fidel Castro, Anastas I Mkoyan of the USSR, Oskar Lange of
Polands’s state council, Yugoslavia’s Marko Nikezic and a variety of other socialists” in 1959. In
1984 there was: “Robert Mugabe, Marxist prime minister of Zimbabwe; Daniel Zortega of
Nicaragua; Guillermo Ungo, leader of the El Salvador revolutionaries; Petra Kelly of Germany’s
far-left Green party; and three officials from The People’s Republic of China.”
A former member of the CFR, Kenneth Galbraith, has spoken out on the “off the record
policy;” he calls it “a scandal.” And further asks: “Why should businessmen be briefed by
Government officials on information not available to the general public, especially since it can
be financially advantageous?”
To become part of the privileged few who are members of the CFR is difficult. You must
first have a written nomination from a CFR member and then another member must second your
nomination. You must provide a resume and a third letter of recommendation from a current or
former professional colleague. The nominee must also provide “a list of names of up to ten
Council members by whom the candidate is well known.” The criteria by which a candidate is
judged include: “Intellectual attainment and expertise;” experience in foreign affairs; future
potential in foreign affairs; a desire to further the Councils goals; and “Potential contribution’s to
the Councils work.” No candidate is assured membership because available openings are limited.
According to the 2003 Annual Report the CFR has 248 journalists, correspondents and
editors among its membership; additionally there are publishers and media executives. These
journalists, correspondents and editors account for 6% of the CFR membership. They represent
T.V., Newspapers, and Magazines. These members include: anchormen and women of every
network, commentators, newspaper and magazine writers, authors, publishers, editors, producers
and other media executives.
These media professionals are not there to report what goes on
because there is a rule of secrecy. According to the CFR’s own membership rules, these media
professionals are accepted as members on the condition that they will contribute to the CFR’s
work. Is it possible they serve a sinister purpose for the CFR? Is it possible that they’re purpose
is to act as agents of disinformation on behalf of the CFR? Many researchers believe this to be
the case.
The work of the CFR that these media professionals and all members are furthering is the
goal of a one-world government. The CFR may deny this but the truth is revealed in the content
of its publication Foreign Affairs. In his book The Shadow of Power, James Perloff states:
The charge [that the CFR “advocates the creation of a world government”]
is easily substantiated. Anyone who cares to examine back issues of Foreign
Affairs will have no difficulty finding hundreds of articles that pushed—whether
zealously or by “soft sell”—this concept of globalism. But he will be hard pressed
to locate even one essay opposing it. This, of course, deflates Foreign Affairs’
claim of “a broad hospitality to divergent ideas.”
Perloff further writes that Foreign Affairs has viewed communism as a potent reason for
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