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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 278
Bones who have largely controlled the CFR. He writes:
The Bonesmen from the Tomb have especially been adept in controlling
the Council on Foreign Relations. It is well-known in the Washington D.C.
political community that the CFR provides the bulk of executives and politicians
for the federal government. Without the CFR stamp of approval, a political
candidate, ambassador hopeful, or cabinet post nominee has little chance of
selection, appointment, or confirmation.
Just as the CFR is a front for the Illuminati and Skull and Bones, the CFR has its own
front groups or “spin-offs” as Ted Flynn describes them in his book, Hope of the Wicked. Flynn
In its drive toward a New World Order, the CFR is at the center of Insider
Easter Liberal Establishment power, influence, and planning. The glue that holds
the ‘Rockefeller Insiders’ together, the Council on Foreign Relations, has been
dubbed “the invisible government.” Where the CFR is the “brain” of globalism,
CFR spin-off groups wield three arms of power; economic (Bildergergers),
spiritual (Club of Rome), and political (Trilateral Commission).
Trilateral Commission
CFR Chairman and Illuminati member David Rockefeller formed the Trilateral
Commission (TLC) in 1973. Funding was provided by “David Rockefeller, the Charles F.
Kettering Foundation, and the Ford Foundation.”
Membership in the Trilateral Commission is
very restrictive; there are only 325 members. The membership includes leaders and opinion
molders from the three economic superpowers of the United States, Western Europe, and Japan.
The leaders who make up the membership come from business, banking, media, education,
foundations, and government. The leaders are more likely than not to be CEOs, Presidents,
Chairman, Deans, Congressman or if in government administration, department heads.
According to Gary Kah, author of En Route To Global Occupation, the purpose of the
TLC is “to promote world government by encouraging economic interdependence among the
superpowers. Steering the economies of the member nations into a position where they would be
completely intertwined.”
Flynn writes that the TLC “seeks to unite [the] superpowers into a
one-world socialist government, requiring the voluntary demise of American independence.”
Former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski drafted the charter for the Trilateral
Commission and was also the first director.
Brzezinski’s writings reveal him to be a Marxist (communist). In his book Between Two
Ages, he writes the following concerning the philosophies of Carl Marx:
Marxism represents a further vital and creative stage in the maturing of
man’s universal vision. Marxism is simultaneously a victory of the external,
active man over the inner, passive man and a victory of reason over belief: it
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