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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 280
order. Wilson pushed the League of Nations; Roosevelt and Truman constructed
the UN-Bretton Woods system; and now, after Vietnam, Jimmy Carter gives us
the Trilateral plan.” So said C. Fred Bergsten, assistant secretary of the treasury
and one of sixteen top Carter appointees who belong to the Trilateral
Commission. All sixteen represent a deeply internationalist tradition that is part of
the eastern American establishment. “Liberal internationalism is our creed,” said
[During the presidential campaign Carter stated:] “we must replace
balance-of-power politics with world order politics”—the Trilateralists’ basic
Jimmy Carter, as President, presides over this new internationalism….In
the last analysis, it is Carter who directs the third try for a new world order.
President Jimmy Carter was no more successful in establishing a NWO than Presidents
Wilson or Roosevelt but he did appoint TLC members to some the most important federal
positions as reported in U.S. News & World Report:
The 'Trilateralists' have taken charge of foreign-policy making in the
Carter Administration, and already the immense power they wield is sparking
some controversy.
Active or former members of the Trilateral Commission now head every
key agency involved in mapping U.S. strategy for dealing with the rest of the
world... Altogether, 16 high posts in the administration are held by men and
women associated with that organization.
Some see this concentration of power as a conspiracy at work.
President Carter appointed 78 CFR and TLC members to serve in his administration.
President Carter was not just a peanut farmer that didn't know what he was doing; he was an
insider a member of the TLC and well aware of the Brzezinski’s admiration of Marxism and
Communism. As a member of the TLC, it was his goal to work for the Establishment of a one-
world government. When he took his oath of office he declared: the “United States will help
erect... a world order.”
Following Carter, two more TLC members would be elected President;
these were President George H. W. Bush and President Clinton. Both Bush and Clinton
repeatedly declared that the U.S. was establishing a NWO.
Senator Barry Goldwater recognized the international nature of the Trilateral
Commission and made the following warning:
…the Trilateral Commission is international. Representation is allocated
equally to Western Europe, Japan and the United States. It is intended to be the
vehicle for multi-national consolidation of the commercial and banking interests
by seizing control of the political government of the United States.
Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller screened and selected every
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