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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 294
IPPF they are one of many NGO’s who have qualified for consultation status with the U.N. The
U.N. Seeks their advise. James Hirsen, PhD. reveals in his book The Coming Collision: Global
Law vs. US Liberties that IPPF’s consultation status allows it to work “with UN agencies,
governmental and intergovernmental groups, and private organizations that share its ‘culture of
death’ agenda. These organizations include the United Nations Population Fund, the United
Nations Children’s Fund, the World health Organization, the World Bank, and many others.”
While IPPF has enjoyed such an important relationship with the U.N. pro-life groups such as
Human Life International have had their NGO status rejected by the U.N.
The NGO that best exhibits the U.N.’s true nature is Lucis Trust. Lucis Trust’s NGO
status is through an organization it formed called World Goodwill. Through World Goodwill,
Lucis Trust has consultation status with the U.N. Alice Bailey, a New Age Theosophist and
author of 25 New Age books, formed Lucis Trust in 1920 under the original name of Lucifer
Publishing. The companies name was changed to Lucis Trust to conceal the nature of the
organization. The 25 books Bailey authored were channeled through a demon spirit known as
Djwhal Khul, the Tibetan. “Given that the New Age crowd perceives the U.N. as a chosen
instrument of God; Lucis Trust was appropriately headquartered, until recently, at the United
Nations Plaza in New York.”
As a Theosophist, Bailey believed in evolution, reincarnation and pantheism (the belief in
many gods). She believed that Lucifer (Satan) is both the Holy Spirit and God and one of the
many creators of man. As such Lucifer is to be worshiped. In her book Education in the New
Age, Bailey writes that as we become properly educated, the new man will practice “global
citizenship.” This mandatory doctrine of the NWO includes an acceptance of the harmony of all
religions; the acceptance that they are all one and equal. She says that those who will not accept
this “will have to go, for they have become impediments to world peace and threats to a proper
human society.”
Prior to Alice Baily’s death in the 1950s she made the following statement: “[Thanks to]
the efforts of the U.N….a new church of God, gathered out of all the religions and spiritual
groups, will unitedly bring to an end the great heresy of separation.” She further stated, “within
the United Nations is the germ and seed of a great international and meditating, reflective
group…[whose] point of meditative focus is the institutional or buddhic plane—the plane upon
which all hierarchical [occult] activity is today to be found.”
Once a person understands the true spiritual nature of the U.N., it should be easy to see
why the U.N. has been totally ineffective at preventing war. Further, one can understand why it
has incrementally and steadily expanded its influence over the lives of the people of planet earth.
Under the U.S. Constitution, the power of the government is limited; it only has those powers
specifically delegated to it by the People. On the other hand, the United Nations is just the
opposite. The U.N. views that its power is unlimited. The U.N. “stated that even though powers
were not expressly provided to the United Nations, they existed anyway by “necessary
implication” due to the duties that the U.N. must perform.” Under a U.N. controlled NWO,
citizens of the U.N. would only have those rights granted to them by the U.N. itself. Rights,
which we hold sacred, “such as freedom of speech, religion, or assembly” are revocable
according to U.N. documents.
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