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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 301
overseas, is an “illegal subsidy.” The WTO concurred. Ron Paul writes:
Last week, the WTO appellate panel ruled that U.S. tax rules exempting
some corporate income earned overseas from taxation constitute an “illegal
subsidy.” Incredible as it seems to liberty-minded Americans, the WTO and the
Europeans are now telling us our laws are illegal and must be changed. It's hard to
imagine a more blatant example of a loss of U.S. sovereignty. Yet there is no
outcry or indignation in Congress at this naked demand that we change our laws
to satisfy the rest of the world. I've yet to see one national politician or media
outlet even suggest the obvious, namely that our domestic laws are simply none of
the world's business.
Proponents of the WTO have consistently argued that the WTO dispute resolution
process relies on voluntary compliance. These proponents include the CFR dominated media and
think tanks. Congressman Paul writes that one “libertarian” think tank gave the following “rosy”
description of the WTO: “The WTO’s dispute settlement mechanism helps nations resolve trade
disputes without resorting to costly trade wars. The system relies on voluntary compliance and
does not compromise national sovereignty.” Congressman Paul says this is totally “nonsense.”
He writes:
A Congressional Research Service report was quite clear about the
consequences of our membership: “As a member of the WTO, the United States
does commit to act in accordance with the rules of the multi-lateral body. It is
legally obligated to insure that national laws do not conflict with WTO rules.”
With the Europeans and the WTO now telling us our laws are illegal and must be
changed, it’s hard to imagine a more blatant loss of American sovereignty.
The WTO has given us the worst of both worlds: We’ve sacrificed
national sovereignty by changing our domestic laws at the behest of an
international body, yet we still face trade wars. If anything, the WTO makes trade
relations worse by providing our foreign competitors with a collective means to
attack U.S. trade interests
The elite insiders of the CFR foresaw how trade agreements and treaties could help
initiate their plans for a NWO. The facts indicate that GATT and the WTO were most probably a
part of their master plan. As noted in The New American by Robert W. Lee,
in the April 1974
issue of Foreign Affairs, Professor Richard Gardner, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State
and CFR member argued for the gradual surrender of U.S. sovereignty through the use of
international agreements such as GATT among others:
“the 'house of world order' will have to be built from the bottom up rather
than from the top down,” and that “an end run around national sovereignty,
eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned
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