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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 310
The Administration's effort to create a new vision for the U.S. military is
embodied, I fear, in... PDD-13. Under PDD-13, the United States becomes the
trainer and bill-payer of an effort to create a military command structure for the
Secretary General of the United Nations.
In 1994 President Clinton updated PDD-13 with PDD-25; he then classified it as secret.
Congress was only given a summary. The summary revealed that President Clinton had given the
Presidency the power to place U.S. military forces under foreign command. But what was in
PDD-25 that President Clinton didn’t want the Congress or public to know? There are obviously
some much more alarming provisions of PDD-25, hence the secrecy. It didn’t take long for
President Clinton to exercise his new power. At President Clinton’s direction U.S. forces served
under the U.N. command in Somalia (made famous by the movie Black Hawk Down),
Macedonia, and Haiti.
The war in Yugoslavia was under NATO command and not under U.N.
In 1993, during the time of the crisis in Somalia, General Colin Powell (now former
Secretary of State), indicated his support for a NWO. At the time General Powell was chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in a statement concerning the U.S. pullout of Somalia, Powell said: A
pullout would be “devastating to our (U.S.) hopes for the new world order and our ability to
participate in multinational organizations to deal with problems like this.”
These Congressional and Presidential attempts at undermining and even overthrowing
American sovereignty most likely astounds you; you’ve probably never heard of any of these
resolutions and actions by our nations leaders; you must find it hard to believe. You must be
thinking that if this were true, you would have surely heard about it in the media! I remind you
that the media is overwhelmingly supportive of a one-world government. The media is under the
influence of the Illuminati through its front organizations, the CFR, TLC, Bilderbergs and
Rhodes Scholars.
Convention On The Rights Of The Child
The Convention on the Rights of the Child is a treaty that guarantees the rights of
children throughout the world. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) drafted the treaty.
If one were to simply read the treaty, without question it would sound very noble and protective
of not only the children’s rights but also those of the parents. But every U.N. document must be
read very carefully. A careful and honest evaluation of the treaty reveals that the rights of
children are actually set in opposition to those of their parents. Further, the treaty governs the
relationship between parents and their children. If the treaty were to be approved in America it
would drastically increase the amount of governmental intrusion in American homes. As a
consequence of approval of the treaty, how you raise your children and what you teach them
could come under international regulation. Incredibly the leaders of more than 70 nations signed
the treaty in 1990. As of August 2004, 192 countries, all but the United States and Somalia, have
ratified the convention. According to UNICEF, both the U.S. and Somalia have indicated that
they intended to ratify the treaty by signing it.
In March of 1990 the UN Chronicle ran an article on the Convention. The article quoted
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