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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 313
like, it becomes truly alarming.
These people wield coercive government authority. They can remove your
children from your house and put them into “their” houses. Christians are being
shut out of foster care due to anti-spanking and pro-secular psychology laws now
passed or being passed around the country. At the same time, homosexuals, rabid
feminists, and so on—many of whom are New Agers—are being recruited or are
pressing for the right to be foster parents.
Along with this is the push for in-home visits by government agents to
determine whether a family should be allowed to continue to raise its own
children. They plan to start with first-time parents, who will be insecure and less
likely to understand the ramifications of the New Age child-rearing methods. The
New Age methods, parents will be told, are the only right way to raise children.
The government is positioning itself as the prophet of an “orthodox” (New
Age) way to raise kids—and calling all other ways child abuse. At the same time
New Agers are taking over these government agencies.
This is more than ravaging our children….They are actually trying to
STEAL them from us!
Texe, I am praying that you will be able to share this information with the
public in your new book. You are in the best position of any of us to blow the
whistle on these guys before it gets too late. People NEED TO KNOW.
United Nations Conference On Environment and Development
The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) was held in
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992 from June 3-14. UNCED is commonly referred to as The Earth
Summit. There were 17,000 people in attendance at The Earth Summit. This included
delegations from 178 countries, 108 of these delegations included heads of state. There were also
2,400 people representing more than 1,000 non-governmental organizations or NGOs. The topic
of The Earth Summit was the Environment and Sustainable Development.
The Earth Summit resulted in the following five agreements being produced and signed:
Agenda 21, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Statement of Forest
Principles, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the United
Nations Convention on Biological Diversity.
“The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and The Convention on
Biological Diversity, were formal treaties whose provisions are binding on the parties. The other
three UNCED agreements were non-binding statements on the relationship between sustainable
environmental practices and the pursuit of social and socioeconomic development. Agenda 21 is
a wide-ranging assessment of social and economic sectors with goals for improving
environmental and developmental impact of each. The Rio Declaration summarizes consensus
principles of sustainable development, and the Statement on Forest Principles pledges parties to
more sustainable use of forest resources.”
The United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change and the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (Biodiversity
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