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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 315
Biodiversity Treaty or who expressed concerns; it raises far greater concerns than anyone even
The U.S. Senate, who was debating on ratification of the Biodiversity Treaty in
September of 1994 tried to get copies of the GBA from the U.N. but the U.N. insisted it did not
exist. Throughout the month attempts to obtain a copy were continually made and on September
30, 1994, a draft copy of the GBA was covertly obtained. This was the very day the treaty was
scheduled to be ratified by the Senate. The vote had been originally scheduled for August but a
citizen call in campaign had convinced thirty-five Senators to vote against ratifying the treaty. A
private property rights group had urged the call campaign.
The 1044 page GBA document was much worse than anyone had imagined. According to
the GBA all “human activities” are to be based according to two world-views. These two views
are the Judeo-Christian worldview and that of pantheism (the worship of nature as God?).
According to the GBA, anything of a Christin nature is bad and anything from the view of
“traditional” pantheism is good. Section 12.2.3, page 838 of GBA states:
The western “world view is characteristic of large-scale societies, heavily
dependent on resources brought from considerable distances. It is a world view
that is characterized by the denial of sacred attributes of nature…[which] became
firmly established about 2000 years [ago] with the Judeo-Christian-Islamic
religious traditions….
The world view of traditional societies tends to be strikingly different from
the modern world view. They tend to view themselves as members of a
community that not only includes other humans, but also plants and animals as
well as rocks, springs and pools. People are then members of a community of
beings—living and non-living. Thus rivers may be viewed as mothers. Animals
may be treated as kin….The many restraints [by traditional societies] on the use
of natural resources, [including the] protection…of sacred sites,…may have
evolved culturally in response to the need to ensure more sustainable use of
biological populations and conservation of biological diversity.”
As you can see not only are animals given equal status with human beings but so are
plants, water and rocks. According to the GBA our precious children, our parents, friends,
spouses have no more value than a rock. The GBA concludes that the population of the earth has
exceeded the earth’s capacity to sustain it. This leaves two possibilities, the present population
can be maintained if we return to an agricultural society where “most human beings are
peasants” or we can maintain the current North American standard of living and reduce the
population of the world to “1 billion people.” This is where the abortion movement originates.
To them killing a baby is no different than mowing your grass or pulling a weed. To them,
abortion is just a natural process of maintaining order.
Wildlands Project
The GBA largely relies on the Wildlands Project. In Section, page 993, the
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