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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 351
king is the NWO which the U.S. is now forming.
When John wrote the book of Revelation in 60 A.D., the five kingdoms of Egypt,
Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece (represented by the five kings) had passed away. The
sixth king (Rome) was in power and the seventh king (the NWO) was yet to come. The eighth
king who is of the seven and who goes to destruction (vs 11) is the red dragon, Satan.
Satan, the red dragon, had his role in all six of the previous kingdoms as well as the
seventh which is coming. This is how the United States, Mystery Babylon, can be the Mother of
Harlots (false religions). She has become one with the dragon and since she is one with the
dragon, she is also one with all the previous beast kingdoms which have also spawned harlots
(false religions).
Revelation 13 shows us that the NWO beast will rule over all peoples of all religions over
the whole earth. The beast is part leopard, part bear and part lion (vs 2). The lion represented
Babylon, the bear Medo-Persia and the leopard Greece (see Daniel 7). The NWO shall include
the remnants of these empires of the past, which are the people in these geographical areas today.
The beast has “seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the
name of blasphemy” (vs 1). Six of the seven heads represent the six previous world kingdoms.
The seventh head has ten horns with ten crowns, this shows that the ten kings withing the ten
divisions of the NWO shall rule the earth. These won't be ten separate kingdoms because the ten
kings will have one mind (Rev 17:13). Each head has the name of “blasphemy” showing that
they are governed by false religion. One of the heads was wounded unto death and the wound
was healed. This represents the Roman empire which was succeeded by the Catholic Church.
The head of the Catholic Church was wounded (its authority over nations ended) when the Pope
was taken captive by the French military in 1798 and the papal government was abolished.
The Roman Emperor Constantine was responsible for the Catholic Churches succession
of the Roman government. Constantine became Emperor in 306 AD. Constantine is generally
regarded as a Christian and a friend to Christians but he was neither. Rome was disintegrating
and Constantine, desiring to bring peace to his empire, granted religious freedom to all religions.
His was the kind of false religious freedom that will be part and parcel within the NWO. The
Dragon (Satan) sought to destroy Christianity by portraying Constantine as a friend. Rather than
granting freedom to Christianity, Constantine, knowingly or unknowingly, worked as a satanic
agent for its destruction by blending it with paganism.
Under Constantine's leadership the Church replaced the Biblical feast days of the Old
Testament with satanic pagan festivals. Every holiday, except Thanksgiving, which we now
celebrate has pagan origins. Former satanists, who are now Christians, attest to this fact as well
as historical writings.
The doctrines taught by Jesus Christ and the apostles were blended with
the teachings of paganism. The Ten Commandments were changed and Constantine ordered
the mountains. No other verses in scripture seem to help determine which translation is correct. There are no
other verses where kings are identified as mountains; neither are there any verses where heads of a beast are
identified as mountains. But there are some verses where the heads of beasts represent kingdoms and Jeremiah
51:24-25 identifies Babylon as a destroying mountain.  There are also a couple verses that elude to the kingdom
of God being on a mountain or being a mountain (see Isaiah 2:2-3; Jeremiah 17:3 and Ezekiel 17:22-23). While
the two different translations affect the meaning of these two verses slightly, they have little effect on the overall
picture of what is being portrayed in Revelation 17.
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