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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 353
clergy and called upon all Catholic people of Croatia and Bosnia to follow their 'Poglavnik'
(Fuhrer) Ante Pavelic, for he had seen in Pavelic’s rule 'God’s hand in action.'”
It was under Pavelic that the persecutions and exterminations were carried out. But
unfortunately, Stepinac was not the only leader of the Catholic Church implicated in these
crimes. “The Catholic Church assisted the Croatian fascists in every aspect of their murderous
rule, from open political and financial support, to serving in their military units in every phase of
the war, to serving in their government, to participating in arrests, expropriations, deportations,
forced conversions and mass murders of racially persecuted peoples. Catholic Priests even
served as concentration camp commanders in some of the worst death camps of World War II.”
And it was all done with the full knowledge and support of Pope Pius XII and the Vatican.”
Catholic scholar, John Cornwell, set upon a quest to vindicate the Pope. He sought and
obtained access to secret Vatican records in order to accomplish this purpose but what he found
shocked and horrified him. In Hitler's Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII, Cornwell writes:
By the middle of 1997, nearing the end of my research, I found myself in a
state I can only describe as moral shock. The material I had gathered, taking the
more extensive view of Pacelli's (Pope Pius XII) life, amounted not to an
exoneration but to a wider indictment. Spanning Pacelli's career from the
beginning of the century, my research told the story of a bid for unprecedented
papal power that by 1933 had drawn the Catholic Church into complicity with the
darkest forces of the era. I found evidence, moreover, that from an early stage in
his career Pacelli betrayed an undeniable antipathy toward the Jews, and that his
diplomacy in Germany in the 1930s had resulted in the betrayal of Catholic
political associations that might have challenged Hitler's regime and thwarted the
Final Solution.
Not only was the Catholic Church involved with the Nazi's before and during WW II but
after the war. The Vatican was involved in aiding the escape of numerous high-ranking Nazi war
criminals, among them Ante Pavelic (fascist leader of wartime Croatia); Adolf Eichmann
(architect of the Holocaust); Franz Stangel (the commandant of Treblinka); Eduard Roschmann
(the “Butcher of Riga”); SS General Walter Rauff (the inventor of the “mobile” gas chamber);
Klaus Barbie (the”Butcher of Lyons”) and thousands of others.
This is documented in Unholy
Trinity, where attorney John Loftus and investigative reporter Mark Aarons chronicle how “a
handful of Vatican officials supplied British Intelligence with a secret network of monasteries
and convents used for smuggling Fascist (Nazi) fugitives to the West” including Argentina,
Australia, Canada and the U.S.
The smuggling took place under the direction of Pope Pius XII
and other Vatican officials such as Monsignor Giovanni (later Pope Paul VI). Loftus worked in
the Nazi-hunting unit of the U.S. Justice Department and as a result of Aarons' investigative
work, Nazi war criminals were prosecuted in Australia. Their evidence includes declassified U.S.
intelligence documents and recorded interviews with priests who admit to smuggling Nazi war
The Holy Word of God is clear on who is implicated in another's murderous deeds,
it only requires that you bid them “God speed” (2 John 11). The Catholic Church is certainly
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