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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 358
the purity of Christ’s teachings. There are two ecumenical movements raging through America
and the world. The goal of one movement is to bring the Christian Churches together and the
goal of the other is to bring all religions together. The ultimate long-term goal of both these
movements is the same, a one-world religion. The ecumenical movement among the Christian
Churches is only a stepping-stone to an amalgamation of all the world’s religions as foretold in
the book of Revelation. Among Christians the current ecumenical movement includes both
Protestants and Catholics.
Former Jesuit professor at the Vatican's Pontifical Biblical Institute, Malachi Martin,
writes in his book, The Keys Of This Blood, that the current ecumenical movement includes all
religions. He says that Catholic involvement began at Vatican II were ecumenism was redefined.
He writes:
Cardinal [Bea] organized “ecumenical gatherings” that included not only
Roman Catholics and Protestants as usual, but Jews and Muslims as well. In time,
as was only logical, Buddhists, Shintoists, animists and a host of other non-
Christian and even nonreligious groups would find a place in the poorly and broad
defined new “ecumenism.”... What happened to the Roman Catholic Church in
the decades following the Second Vatican Council also happened to the majority
of mainline Protestant churches. With partial and self-serving interpretations of
Pope Paul's formula as their armor, and the vague wording of the documents
produced by the bishops of Vatican II as their justification, new and and pointedly
secularists heresies swept through Christianity.
Foundation magazine published an article by Dennis Costella entitled “The One World
Church is Coming Together” in their 1998 May-June issue. Dennis writes: “The prophetic events
laid out in God's Word for the formation of the one-world mystery Babylon in its three forms
(economic, political and religious) are coming together before our very eyes.”
Texe Marrs wrote about this ecumenical movement in his December 2004 “Power of
Prophecy” newsletter. He writes:“Engineered by the Illuminati and led behind the scenes by the
initiates of secret societies, a great religious and social movement is sweeping America. Little
understood as yet, even by sincere Christians, this movement threatens to change our world in
uncommonly evil ways. It is a movement authored by Satan and executed—that is, put into
practice—by his devils, as well as their human counterparts.”
Peter Jones, in his book Capturing the Pagan Mind, writes: “Paganism in the form of
global spiritual unity is now proposed as the future of the church and of global religion. Many
religious organizations (the World Council of Churches, the United Religions, the Parliament of
the World’s Religions, the Interfaith movement, and other mechanisms) are seriously dedicated
to the sole task of bringing about a one-world religious reality.”
The coming one-world religion was not just foretold in the Bible but has also been
foretold in occult literature by occultists. These occultists knew of the coming one-world religion
from Satan himself because it is his plan. One of these occultists was Alice Bailey, daughter of
Madam Blavatsky and founder of Lucifer Publishing (now Lucis Trust). In L’Eglise Eclipsée
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