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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 380
New York City. I stood in the meditation room, which contains Satan’s altar....
The black stone block has a certain kind of magnetism about it, and when I
walked into the room with my praying wife, I could sense the intense presence of
an evil force beyond description. This is where the world leaders and Illuminati
masterminds go to meditate, which is why it is open to the public only in the
mornings. Once the sun moves from ante meridian to post meridian only the adept
in witchcraft are allowed into that room, for that is witchcraft doctrine regarding
meditation. As the sun gives way to waning light and the female power of the
moon goddess, the meditation room at the UN becomes off-limits to what they
call the “profane”.
United Nations and Ecumenism
The black stone alter in the U.N. Meditation room “dedicated to the God whom man
worships under many names and in many forms” is a a symbol of the U.N. Dedication to the
ecumenical movement, which is guided by Satan's demons. The U.N. is strongly influenced by a
demonic spirit known as Djwhal Khul or the Tibetan Master. This is the same spirit that guided
Alice Bailey, founder of Lucis Trust (formerly Lucifer Publishing). Lucis Trust has non-
governmental organization (NGO) status with the U.N.; its office was formerly located in the
U.N. Another U.N. NGO that is guided by Djwhal Khul is the Aquarian Age Community (AAC)
their office is currently located in the U.N. Both Lucis Trust and AAC “provide assistance,
advice, and counseling to the U.N. officials and staff.” Robert Muller, former Associate
Secretary General of the United Nations, also claims Djwhal Khul as his spirit guide.
Of its involvement with the U.N., the website of the AAC states:
We have an informal network at the UN, a humanity underground. It
consists of those who are committed, aware, and striving to bring the New World
to birth. It consists of people in high places and in low-of the patient secretary
who has been 30 years with the UN, but lives with the vision and the spirit; of the
professionals, and undersecretaries and heads of departments who are acting out
the imperatives that their own inner vision gives them. Some few are conscious of
the sources of their inspiration; most are not. They are the Karma Yogis of our
time-those whose path of spirituality is to achieve through doing-to grow
through serving. They are found not only in the secretariat but also in the
delegations to the UN, among the diplomats and their staffs, and also among folks
like us, representatives of non-governmental organizations around the UN.
The AAC is a New Age organization that follows the teachings Madam Blavatsky,
mother of the modern New Age Movement. This New Age philosophy often incorporates words,
phrases and teachings that sound Christian but have a totally different meaning. They believe
that we humans are divine; we are gods. There teachings come almost exclusively from their
spirit guides who are actually demonic spirits masquerading as ascended masters. They practice
meditation and astral projection. The AAC regular conducts meetings within the U.N. where
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