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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 389
The teachings of Jesus are in opposition to the goals of the URI. Principle
2 of the Charter of the URI states: “We respect the sacred wisdom of each
religion, spiritual expression and indigenous tradition.” Principle 3 states: “We
respect the differences among religions, spiritual expressions and indigenous
traditions.” And Principal 21 of the Charter of the URI states: “Members of the
URI shall not be coerced to participate in any ritual or be proselytized.
God has condemned the false religions of the world; Christians cannot respect them. To
respect them means to value them, to admire them, to hold them in esteem, or to reverence them.
We cannot respect what God has condemned. Anyone who does this is in opposition to God for
Jesus stated: “He that is not with me is against me…” (Matt. 12 30 & Luke 11:23)
The URI has made it clear that it is in opposition to God because it has outlawed his great
commission. Members of the URI are not allowed to “proselytize” other members. This means
they are not allowed to convert them to there religion. This is a specific attack by Satan against
the Christina Church. Satan already has all the members of the false religions; this URI rule
prevents Christians from converting members of one of these false religions to Christianity. The
URI’s goal is to be worldwide and so this outlaw against the great commission shall be
Not only has the URI forbid Christian members from witnessing the gospel message of
Jesus Christ to others but Bishop Swing has also associated this act of love with “condemning,
murdering, or dominating.” He states:
“Thou shalt have no other gods but me.” Is any dimension of religion
deeper than that? This is the first commandment according to Jews and Christians.
It is not foreign to Muslims, or, in fact, to more than half the people on earth. Yet
if billions of people from exclusive religions are commanded to oppose the godly
claims of other exclusive religions, what hope is there for peace among religions?
In order for a United Religions to come about and for religions to pursue peace
among each other, there will have to be a godly cease-fire, a temporary truce
where the absolute exclusive claims of each will be honored but an agreed upon
neutrality will be exercised in terms of proselytizing, condemning,
murdering, or dominating. These will not be tolerated in the United Religions
(Emphasis added)
Lenn Penn writes that URI leaders have made it clear that when the URI speak of
“proselytizing,” they are speaking of Christian “fundamentalists.” In 1997 an outspoken board
member of the URI was even more forthcoming than Bishop Swing. Paul
Chafee said at a 1997 URI forum meeting, “We can't afford fundamentalists in a world this
Although Bishop Swing seems to have a problem with Christianity (despite that he
claims to be a Christian) he has openly embraced the religious practices and false God’s of the
world’s religions. The San Francisco Chronicle and the San Jose Mercury News reported on an
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