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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 394
covenants. The MFD further calls for a stronger U.N., which would have the authority and
financial capability to enforce these international laws upon the nations and peoples of the world.
The MFD advocates a global tax to support the U.N.
As with all international agreements and declarations concerning the U.N., many of the
goals of the MFD are admirable. But the MFD also has a rather sinister, evil agenda, which is
typical of all international agreements and declarations concerning the U.N. The Millennium
Forum Declaration apposes globalization by multinational corporations but its solution is global
governance under the UN; it advocates freedom and human rights but at the same time it
advocates the redistribution of the worlds “wealth and land;” it advocates the cancellation of
third world debt and proposes that the poor of the world shall have “access to credit;” it apposes
war genocide and ethnic cleansing and proposes a one-world military; it advocates religious
freedom but condemns Christian fundamentalism.
The MFD declares that there are widespread human rights violations across the world;
among these violations are: “racism, fascism, xenophobia, homophobia, hate-crimes, ethnocide
and genocide.” According to the MFD, these rights violations occur as a result of globalization
with international non-government entities being the culprits. These international entities
include: “transnational corporations and international financial institutions,” “fundamentalist
civil society organizations and criminal syndicates.” Fundamentalist civil society organizations
are fundamental Christian churches. God’s true followers are identified as the one of
principal violators of human rights in the world.
Jamie Brendan was at the Millennium Forum and has for years attended world
government and world unity events. He writes under a fictitious name for security reasons. Jamie
wrote about the Millennium Forum in Special Intelligence Report. Gary H. Kah, the editor of the
report, writes:
You may have noticed that various religious organizations participated in
the Forum. Based on his experience at this and previous world government
meetings, Jamie is convinced that the one-world agenda is, to a large degree,
spiritually motivated. He shared with me that the Forum had a strong presence of
organizations with New Age/interfaith/occult leanings. Anyone who follows this
movement for any length of time realizes that its religious and political elements
are intertwined, and that it is heavily biased against Christians.
There are those in attendance at the Millennium Forum and other events who know what
the true agenda is. There are also those who are truly seeking to better the world and are ignorant
to the real agenda. Jamie spoke to one such woman from a third world country after one of the
meetings. She was for the first time grasping the true agenda of the Forum. Looking at Jamie she
exclaimed, “we’re going to kill people.”
Under the U.N. agenda it has consistently been proposed that the nations disarm and that
the U.N. would be the loan military power in the world ushering in a time of peace. What they
actually have in mind is forced compliance with their agenda. As early as 1966, it was proposed
by Thomas C. Schelling (CFR member) that the U.N. be given three military options to force a
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