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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 423
Testament. The Greek New Testament is in greater dispute and so we will concentrate there. In
regards to the Old Testament, we will rest on the words of Dr. Robert Wilson who wrote:
The result of those thirty years’ study which I have given to the text has
been this: I can affirm that there is not a page of the Old Testament concerning
which we need have any doubt. We can be absolutely certain that substantially we
have the text of the Old Testament that Christ and the Apostles had, and which
was in existence from the beginning.
In order to conduct his thirty years of research on the Old Testament, Dr. Wilson
“mastered 45 ancient languages and dialects.” Among these were Babylonian, Ethiopic,
Phoenician and various Aramaic dialects. Using his mastery of 45 ancient languages his research
included 10,000 documents for which he based his final conclusion on the Old Testament.
The two Greek text types of the New Testament are the Received Text (also called Texus
Receptus, Byzantine Text or the Majority Text) and the Alexandrian Text (also known as
Minority Text or Critical Text). The Alexandrian Text is known by this name because it is
believed to have originated in Alexandria Egypt.
Discerning the Pure from the Corrupt
To discern the pure text from the corrupt text we will first look at the origin of the
Alexandrian Text and the Received text, then we will look at textual variations, then fulfillment
of Biblical prophecy and lastly we will look at the spiritual integrity of each texts supporters.
The origination of the Alexandrian Text in Alexandria Egypt is very significant because
Alexandria was a place of Great Apostasy. The book of Acts reveals that it was members of the
Alexandrian synagogue along with members of several others who were responsible for the
stoning of Stephen.
He was “a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghost.”
The men of Alexandria who stoned Stephen didn’t believe that Jesus rose from the dead;
this is why they stoned Stephen. Stephen was called before them and he recounted Jewish history
from the time of Abraham. Stephen told these men that they were “stiffnecked and
uncircumcised in heart and ears” and that they resisted the Holy Spirit. But it was not until
Stephen had a vision of Jesus in heaven and declared: “I see the heavens opened, and the Son of
man standing on the right hand of God,” that the order was given to stone him.
The Bible
records that when the men of Alexandria heard Stephen declare that he saw Jesus in heaven
“they cried out with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and ran upon” Stephen
And cast him
out of the city, and stoned him.”
There remained in Alexandria a very corrupt influence. There was an ecclesiastical
college founded in Alexandria, which “strove to exalt tradition”
above the teachings handed
down by the Apostles. Clement of Alexandria founded the college; he was also one of its most
famous faculty members. Benjamin Wilkinson writes in Our Authorized Bible Vindicated that
“Clement expressly tells us that he would not hand down Christian teachings, pure and unmixed,
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