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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 457
The oldest Bibles is existence are the Peshitto Version written in Syriac in approximately
150 A.D. and Italic Version of the Waldensian Church written no later than 157 A.D.
These versions are both based on the Received Text as well as many other ancient
versions. Approximately 350 copies of the Peshitto Version still exist and a total of over
18,000 ancient handwritten versions exist today.
There are 86,000 quotations of the scriptures by the early Church fathers; the whole of
scripture can practically be recreated from these quotations. Many of these quotations are
believed to have been copied from the original manuscripts or very early copies. The
Received Text agrees with the vast majority of these quotations of scripture.
Of the over 5,200 ancient hand written Greek New Testament manuscripts in existence
approximately 90 percent are of the Received Text type (Byzantine Text).
The over 18,000 ancient handwritten versions, and the over 4,600 handwritten Greek
manuscripts of the Byzantine Text type essentially agree. The 86,000 handwritten
quotations also agree with only minor variations in the quotations.
The Received Text has been the text accepted by God's faithful followers for over 1850
years. The Received Text was accepted by the early Church fathers, it was the text for
which many martyrs such as the Waldensians gave their lives; it was the text accepted by
the reformers, it was the text brought to America by the Pilgrims and it is the text that
Missionaries used to spread the gospel to the world.
During the protestant reformation of the 15th, 16th and 17
century, the Received Text was
the text chosen by the reformers to translate God’s word into many different languages.
The Received Text fulfills Bible prophecy in that the Catholic Church tried to destroy it,
it has not passed away, it has been preserved, and it has continually ministered the truth
to God's people.
The modern English versions of the Bible are based on the Alexandrian Text. These are
the facts regarding the Alexandrian Text:
The Sinaiticus (Codex Aleph) and Vaticanus (Codex B) are the two oldest Greek
manuscript of the New Testament and were created in the first half of the fourth century.
The Peshitto Version based on the Authorized Text, although written in Syriac, is nearly
200 year older than either of these codexes.
Both Sinaiticus and Vaticanus contain books of the Apocrypha. These are writings that
were not accepted as inspired by the early Church fathers, many are heretical. The
Shepherd of Hermas is the most heretical. This book seems to prepare the reader to
accept the mark of the beast. It also teaches that salvation can only come through keeping
the commandments. As an additional note: Gale Riplinger, author of New Age Bible
Versions, speculates that the modern versions of the Bible will soon add The Shepherd of
Hermas and delete the book of Revelation.
Some experts believe that the Vaticanus was one of 50 Bibles that the Roman Emperor
Constantine commissioned to be produced in Egypt.
Alexandria Egypt is believed to be the origin of the Alexandrian Text type. Alexandria is
well known as a city of heretical Christian teachings and heretical Christian writings.
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