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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 472
High Power Microwaves
Microwave or electromagnetic (EM) energy can be configured in different ways and at
different intensities to produce different results. It can be used against electronic circuitry,
against humans or at its highest intensity against anything you want destroyed.
High Power Microwave weapons employed against equipment or computers with
electronic circuitry produce an effect similar to the EM pulse produced by a nuclear blast. This is
accomplished by a “rapidly pulsating microwave beam that penetrates electronic components.
The pulsing action internally excites the components, rapidly generating intense heat which
causes them to fuse or melt, thus destroying the circuit.” This is a speed of light weapon.
will shut down power plants, communications, and transportation; there is almost nothing for
which we rely in modern society that is not vulnerable.
EM weapons (microwave or radio frequency) designed for use against humans can have
subtle to devastating effects. Even relatively low frequencies and/or low energy levels can have
adverse effects “because the human body is essentially an electrochemical system, and devices
that disrupt the electrical impulses of the nervous system can affect behavior and body
functions.” These weapons can be used to put the human targets asleep; they can heat them up
such as to cause a high fever;
and they can cause “extreme weariness, headache, irregular
heartbeat, diarrhea, painful testis, damaged nervous system and internal organs, burned skin and
eye damage. Later effects include blindness, heart attack, stroke and cancer.”
They can also be
used to kill. In 1987 the Soviets were successful at killing a goat at a range of 1 kilometer.
Hideo Murai, a Japanese scientist was working on EM weapons in Japan before he was
assassinated in 1995. Murai is reported to have had an I.Q. higher than Albert Einstein’s. Murai
said that “Laser-driven EM weapons… can be used to produce plasma or ionized gas
of about 4,000 C.” This plasma could be used to vaporize anything in its path including shooting
missiles out of the sky or vaporizing soldiers in their bunker. Murai accused the U.S. of
experimenting with such a weapon during the Gulf War and said 4,000 Iraqis were killed in their
bunkers. Murai described how plasma is generated:
Plasma can be generated at the intersection of microwaves coming from
three directions. To use it effectively to generate plasma at any point on the Earth
it should be designed so that it can be deployed from space, that is, from artificial
satellites…. There is a high possibility that a plasma weapon is actually in place.
EM technology is also believed to be able to create massive earthquakes, to be useful in
weather modification particularly in producing rain. According to Murai, there is evidence that
Russia used EM technology to “alter the climate in the Northern Hemisphere to lessen the
economic cost of Russia's severe winters.”
Whoever possesses this technology in its most
advanced form will have almost limitless power over all humanity.
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