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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 511
of societies of the Illuminati have been established in this land of Gospel light and civil liberty,
which were first organized from the grand society, in France. They are doubtless secretly
striving to undermine all our ancient institutions civil and sacred. These societies are closely
leagued with those of the same Order, in Europe; they have all the same object in view. We live
in an alarming period. The enemies of all order are seeking our ruin. Should infidelity generally
prevail, our independence would fall of course, our Republican government would be
1816 – Congress granted a 20-year charter to the second central bank in America, “Bank
of the United States.” Like the first, it was a private central bank. The bank was given the ability
to loan the government $60 million by creating it out of nothing just as the current Federal
Reserve does. Thomas Jefferson wrote the following in a letter to John Taylor in 1816: “I believe
that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they
have raised up a money aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power
should be taken from the banks and restored to the Government, to whom it property belongs.”
The bank charter expired without being renewed.
1821 – George W. F. Hegel formulated what is known as the Hegelian Dialectic. This is
the process by which Illuminati achieves their objectives. According to Hegelian logic, thesis
plus antithesis equals synthesis. More plainly, new orders (such as the NWO) come out of the
conflict or crisis created by the clash of two opposite extreme positions. The Communists and the
Nazis are an example of this. The enormous public outcry that results from the crisis and the
public desire for resolution brings about a synthesis of the two extreme opposites. Under this
theory, the New World Order would emerge from a world crisis such as a world war.
1826 – William Morgan attempted to publish a book exposing the wrongdoing of the
Masonic Lodges. While he was in the process of having his book printed, he mysteriously
disappeared. His body was found in Lake Ontario a year later.
1829 – Plans were already being laid to manipulate the world using the Hegelian
Dialectic. English Illuminist Frances `Fanny' Wright gave a series of lectures promoting
Communism in New York. American Illuminists sponsored the series and funds were raised by a
committee composed of Clinton Roosevelt (a direct ancestor of FDR), Charles Dana and Horace
Greeley. “Those present [at the lectures] were told that an international movement of subversives
was being developed along the lines of Illuminati principles, who would be used to ferment
future wars. They were to be known as ‘communists.’ This movement was to be used to make
the idea of a one-world government more appealing by bringing chaos to the world through war
and revolution, so the Illuminati could step in to create order.”
1833 – The Order of the Skull and Bones was established at Yale University by William
Russell and Alphonso Taft; it was officially called the Russell Trust. It was and still is an
Illuminati front group. Seventeen of Yale’s finest are selected each year and groomed so that
they might help fulfill the Illuminati’s plans for a NWO. Three Skull and Bones members would
eventually control the presidency: William Howard Taft, George Herbert Walker Bush, and
George Walker Bush.
1835 – A famous Mason, John Marshall, denounced Freemasonry shortly before his
death. Marshall was Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court; he wrote: “The institution of
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