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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 514
1886 – The pagan French who slaughtered Christians during the French Revolution gave
the Statue of Liberty to America. It was and still is the largest idol in the world. It was a gift from
French Masons to American Masons and it represented the satanic Goddess of Liberty and
Remember, during the French Revolution a half naked prostitute was placed on the
alter of the Notre Dame Cathedral and declared to be the “Goddess of Reason.”
1890 – The Rhodes scholarship fund was established by Cecil Rhodes. An American
family, the Astors, also helped fund the scholarship. The Astor family has been identified as one
of the top 13 Illuminati bloodlines.
Rhodes stated that the movement he started would
within100 years bring about a world government.
A majority of Rhodes Scholarships goes to
Americans; they are hand picked for their ability to carry out the Illuminati’s plans. A Rhodes
Scholar achieved the highest level of power in the world when Bill Clinton became President of
the United States.
1893 – The Theosophical Society created by Blavatsky sponsored the first Parliament of
World Religions, which was held in Chicago. The purpose of the convention was to further the
spread of the occult to the West. Hindu and Buddhist concepts, such as belief in reincarnation,
were promoted at the event.
1904 – Socialist John Dewey began his education career at Columbia University, a
Teachers College. Dewey is known as the “Father of American Education.” Dewey sought to
dumb down the education system and infuse Marxist and Darwinian ideals into the education
system of America. He was backed by American foundations principally the Rockefeller and
Carnegie foundations. He was quite successful; today over 72 million adults in America are
“functionally illiterate”; meaning they cannot read or write above the fifth grade level. An
additional 26 million adults cannot read or write at all.
1905 – American and British members of the Fabian Society financed revolutionaries
Vladimir Ilych (Ulyanov) Lenin and Leon Trotsky in a failed attempt to overthrow the
government of Czar Nicholas II of Russia. Lenin was a Freemason and advocate of Marx’s
philosophies. American bankers also aided the revolution by lending Japan $30 million to
finance an attack on Russia. The hope was that Japan would weaken the government enough to
allow the revolution to succeed.
1908 - The Federal Council of Churches was created in the U.S. later to be renamed the
National Council of Churches (NCC) in 1950. The NCC advocates world government and world
religion through its membership in the World Council of Churches.
1909 – The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace set upon a quest to involve the
United States in a war. The purpose was to completely alter the lives of the American people.
The Carnegie Endowment operated then and now on behalf of the Illuminati.
1912 – Colonel Edward M. House, published Phillip Dru: Administrator in which he
promoted “socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx.” House would become President Woodrow
Wilson’s closest advisor.
1913 – Congress passed the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which allegedly
authorizes a progressive income tax. This is the 2nd Plank of The Communist Manifesto and is
vital to the successful creation of a NWO. The amendment has never been properly ratified and
the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the 16th Amendment does not apply to ordinary income.
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