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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 534
government by intimidation or coercion.” This could potentially include political protests, radio
or T.V. broadcasts and/or public political speeches.
The Act included property forfeiture provisions that could be enforced on associates of
those convicted of terrorism or upon property owners who had hosted a gathering where a
convicted terrorist was present. The Act afforded “special [sentencing] breaks” for criminal
informants. Under the Act, informants could also receive financial incentives to be financed by
property forfeitures and fines. Searches and seizures could be conducted with little probable
cause and defendants could be legally restricted from knowing who the witnesses were against
them. The Act also prohibited citizens from suing the U.S. government, its agencies or officers
or foreign governments such as the U.N. its agencies or officers for acts of terrorism.
1993On February 28, ATF agents smashed through an upstairs window of the Branch
Davidian compound with machine guns in hand. Video footage is inconclusive of who fired first
but 911 calls reveal that the residents of the compound called for help saying they were under
attack. After a 51-day siege the Waco compound was destroyed by fire along with the occupants
on April 19th. Government film footage, autopsy reports and survivor testimony indicates that the
government shot church members as they tried to escape the fire. Surviving members of the siege
were found not guilty of murder charges in the death of ATF agents, the court ruling that they
acted in self-defense.
(See Volume II.)
1993 – The World Trade Center (WTC) was bombed on February 26th. The FBI had an
informant, Emad A. Salem, who had penetrated and become a member of the group who bombed
the WTC but who was pulled off the case 6-months before the bombing. Salem had secretly
recorded his conversations with the FBI. Transcripts of 45 of 70 cassette tapes containing
conversations between Salem and the FBI were released by the Judge to the bombing suspects
attorneys and then leaked to the press. The transcripts reveal that after the bombing Salem
blamed the FBI for not stopping the bombing. In one conversation he said that he had previously
told them that the WTC was a target. He also stated that when he was pulled off the case, his
plan to substitute phony powder for the real explosives had been foiled.
In conversations with the FBI over his large expenses, Salem noted that much of those
expenses were associated with building the bomb. This bomb building occurred before he was
pulled off the case and before he was able to substitute harmless powder for the explosives.
(See Volume II)
1993 – The second Parliament of the World’s Religions was held in Chicago (100 years
after the first was held in 1893). The event was sponsored by an American organization, the
Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions. The Council seeks to bring harmony among
the world’s religions and to bring unity through diversity. All major religions of the world have
been represented at the Parliaments. A third Parliament was held in Cape Town, South Africa in
1999 and the fourth in Barcelona, Spain in 2004.
1993 – The Norman Cousins Global Governance Award was given to Strobe Talbott,
deputy Secretary of State. The award was in recognition of his 1992 Time article, “The Birth of
the Global Nation” and in appreciation for what he has done “for the cause of global
governance.” When Talbott accepted the award, he said it should have been given to the other
nominee, Mikhail Gorbachev. President Clinton wrote a letter of congratulations in appreciation
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