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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 536
beliefs, attitudes, and group thinking needed to prepare human capital for the 21st Century.” The
21st Century they are preparing for is a one-world government and a one-world pagan religion.
By “Master Learning” they mean “Psychological strategies for conditioning students to new
beliefs, values, and ways of thinking. Failure to meet attitudinal, not factual, standards means
drilling until students demonstrate the ‘right’ responses.”
1994 - The Human Development Report was published by the UN Development
Program. The report calls for world-government in a section entitled “Global Governance For the
21st Century.” The opening sentence of the report states: “Mankind's problems can no longer be
solved by national government. What is needed is a World Government. This can best be
achieved by strengthening the United Nations system.” President Bill Clinton appointed James
Gustave Speth as administrator for the program.
1994 - President Clinton issued Presidential Decision Directive 25 (PDD 25). The
directive was classified top-secret and Congress only received a summary. The summary
revealed that President Clinton had given the Presidency the power to place U.S. military forces
under foreign command.
In Soldier of Fortune magazine, James Pate, alleged that PDD-25
also exempted Army Delta Forces from the Posse Comitatus Act. Under Posse Comitatus the
military can’t be used against U.S. citizens.
1995 – Army Specialist Michael New received a court-martial for refusing to wear the
uniform of a foreign power. Company A of the 3rd Infantry Division stationed in Germany was
informed in July that they would be going to Macedonia as part of a “peacekeeping” mission.
They received ordered that they were to wear U.N. Uniforms in August. Michael New, who had
sworn an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution, thought this order to be a violation of his oath
after having fully researched the U.N. Charter. New contacted attorney Col. Ronald Ray in
Crestwood, Kentucky. He also sent a letter to the Army Chain of Command expressing his
position and requesting a transfer to a division not required to wear a U.N. Uniform. In the letter
he requested further direction. He never received a response. When he was suppose to show up
in his U.N. Uniform in September, he showed up in U.S. Army Uniform and as a result received
a court-martial. New's court-martial was the result of PDD 25.
1995 – The Department of Defense began joint military exercises in U.S. cities. The
military exercises sometimes involve only U.S. military and at others also included
multijurisdictional taskforces made up of local police. The exercises have included explosives,
helicopters and live ammo. The exercises have escalated over the years since 1995 and have been
conducted in over 33 cities. Among other objectives, exercises have simulated the takeover of
local government and the confiscation of guns. (See Volume II.)
1995 – On April 19, the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was
bombed. The government said the building was blown up by a truck bomb but eyewitnesses
reported two explosions; seismographs showed two explosions
and Retired General Benton
Partin’s detailed forensic analysis of the bombing concluded that the majority of the damage to
the building was the result of demolition charges that were set off inside the building.
government did not try to locate additional responsible parties; it is possible they know who they
are. Many have testified that they were given advance knowledge of the bombing including a
Federal Judge and a U.S. Congressman.
The evidence clearly shows that at a minimum the
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