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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 550
kings of the earth. The Concordant Literal New Testament translates it this way: “And the
woman whom you perceived is the great city which has a kingdom over the kings of the
This text does not mean that Babylon is not a nation but rather that it has a chief city
from which the woman reigns. This was true of ancient Babylon. Babylon was the chief city
from which the Babylonian empire was ruled.
The city that reigns over the kings of the earth is New York. New York is the financial
and business center of the world. If you want to engage in international commerce or
international finance, you need to have an office in New York. New York also happens to be
where the headquarters of the United Nations is located. Just outside of New York City on Long
Island happens to be the actual town of Babylon. When ships come into New York Harbor the
shipping lanes bring them in from the south. The shipping lanes put them due north heading
toward Long Island. The city that occupies this area of Long Island is Babylon. Ship captains, to
help them navigate, use a water tower in Babylon that sits on the shore of Long Island. The ships
come to within 200 to 300 yards of the shoreline where the water tower is located before turning
west into New York Harbor. Clearly visible to the crews of these ships is the writing on the
water tower, which says “Babylon”.
Listed below is a summary of texts from Revelation 17 and 18 that show that the whore
brings about the NWO and that the whore, Babylon and the U.S. are one and the same:
The whore of Revelation 17 is a woman called Mystery Babylon the great (Revelation
17:1 & 5). 35 times in Revelation 18 Babylon the great is referred to as a woman (i.e.
her or she).
Both Revelation 17 and 18 describe Babylon.
Babylon the great kills the prophets and saints (Rev. 18:24) and the whore Mystery
Babylon the great is drunk with the blood of the saints (Rev. 17:6).
Babylon the great is destroyed by fire as the result of God’s judgment on her (Rev.
18:8-10) and Mystery Babylon the great is also destroyed by fire (Rev. 17:16-17).
The ten kings represented by the ten horns hate the whore (Rev. 17:16) just as the
world hates the U.S.
Babylon the great is a “great city that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet,
and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls” (Rev. 18:16); it is a great and
mighty city and none other is like it (Rev. 18:10 & 18). The woman (whore) is a great
city that reigneth over the kings of the earth (Rev. 17:18); the whore is “arrayed in
purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls” (Rev.
17:4). There is no nation like the U.S.; it is the richest nation in the world. Compared
to most the world, U.S. citizens are decked in the finest clothes and tens of millions
are “decked with gold and precious stones and pearls.” In the year 2000 alone,
Americans spent over $51 billion on jewelry and watches and over $313 billion on
clothing and shoes.
On a per capita basis, Americans spend more on jewelry,
clothing and shoes than a majority of the world lives on.
While Americans spent
over $51 billion on jewelery and watches, for the most part these are not consumable
items. Spending over ten years would add up to over $500 billion and $1 trillion after
twenty years, assuming annual spending remained the same.
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