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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 553
business, media, and religion. Religion includes the Christian faith, which has been inundated
with New Age teaching in America.
But America is not content in bringing about her own destruction because of her sin and
rebellion against God. America will not be satisfied until she has corrupted the whole world.
America spreads its immoral, sinful, corrupt and rebellious lifestyle to the world through every
means possible. One of the most successful has been through the entertainment industry. This
includes but is not limited to: music, movies, television, games, literature, and pornography.
America has also vastly influenced the world through political intervention. The results of this
intervention are so enormous that it is immeasurable. This intervention is both of a direct and
indirect nature. It includes intervention from private citizens and from the U.S. government
including the CIA and the military. These individuals and agencies have: financed and
participated in coups, revolutions, wars, and assassinations; they have supplied arms, technology
and capital; and they have used political and trade pressures.
While I would not consider Osama bin Laden a man of good principal, or integrity, nor a
man of God, and I don’t believe that the Koran is the word of God, nevertheless, in his Letter to
America, Osama made some very good points. He writes:
The second thing to which we call you is a demand to stop your
oppression, lies, immorality, and debauchery that have spread among you. We
call you to be a people of manners, principals, honor and purity and to reject the
immoral acts of fornication, homosexuality, intoxicants, gambling, and trading
with interest. We call you to all this that you may be freed from that which you
have become enmeshed; that you may be freed from the deceptive lies that you
are a great nation—lies that your leaders spread among you to conceal from you
the despicable state to which you have descended.
It is saddening to tell you that you are the worst civilization witnessed by
the history of mankind. You are a nation who, rather than ruling by the shariah of
Allah in its constitution and Laws, choose to invent your own laws as you will
and desire. You separate religion from your policies, contradicting the pure nature
that affirms Absolute Authority to the Lord and your Creator….
America is guilty of terrible immorality and while our constitution and law were founded
on God's law we have forsaken and abandoned his law. The law is now more aptly to be based
on mans lustful desires. America truly is the nation that leads the world into fornication (sin and
rebellion) against God! America is the hold of every foul spirit; America is advancing the agenda
of the NWO, which includes both a one-world government and a one world religion; America
has corrupted the word of God through 100 or more modern Bible versions; and America has
created the technology and weapons that will empower the NWO. America is setting up the
kingdom that will be ruled by Satan and she is creating the technology and weapons that will
allow the Satan to enforce the mark of the beast on the people of the world. This is the highest
form of fornication possible and as a result the world will be both deceived and forced into the
ultimate and final rebellion against God.
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