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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 578
rapid advances in many fields of endeavor…. Satan is conceivably responsible for
the incredibly quick technological advance which has been achieved since World
War I.
David Bay, Old Paths Ministries
I am convinced that America’s purpose in the overall plan was to lay the
necessary groundwork for the world government; and then, having accomplished
this mission, to lead humanity to the threshold, if not actually into, the New
World Order. Only America, with its record of integrity and leadership (as the
hero of World War I and II and as the world’s policeman in the area of human
rights) could accomplish such a feat.
Gary H. Kah, author of En Route To Global Occupation, 1992
President Bush on the NWO
If you don't believe the statements of Congressmen, pastors and authors, how about the
president of the United States. In President George Bush Senior's State of the Union address, on
January 29, 1991, he made it clear that the U.S. was providing the leadership for the
advancement of the NWO when he stated in regards to the NWO: “Yes, the United States bears a
major share of the leadership in this effort.”
Consider the following excerpts from his speech.
As you read remember Bush was a Freemason, a member of Skull & Bones, a member of the
Council on Foreign Relations and a member of the Trilateral Commission. When he speaks of
the NWO, there is no mistaking what he's talking about:
For two centuries, America has served the world as an inspiring example
of freedom and democracy. For generations, America has led the struggle to
preserve and extend the blessings of liberty. And today, in a rapidly changing
world, American leadership brings burdens and sacrifices.
But we also [know] why the hopes of humanity turn to us. We are
Americans; we have a unique responsibility to do the hard work of freedom.
We can find meaning and reward by serving some higher purpose than
ourselves—a shining purpose, the illumination of a thousand points of light.
“Referring to the Persian Gulf War, Bush went on to reveal what this ‘higher purpose’
We know why we’re there. We are Americans: part of something larger
than ourselves…
What is at stake is more than one small country; it is a big idea: a new
world order, where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to
achieve the universal aspirations of mankind
With few exceptions, the world now stands as one…for the first time since
World War II, the international community is united. The leadership of the United
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