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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 68
between Israel and the PLO in Europe and Hurricane Emily hit North Carolina the very same day
that an agreement was reached for Israel to give up land. These natural disasters continued
through out Clinton’s presidency. In 1994 the Northridge earthquake struck California. The
Northridge earthquake caused $20 billion in damages and was the seventh most costly natural
disaster in the entire world during the twentieth-century.
In 1997 powerful tornadoes struck five
states including Arkansas, the tornadoes completely destroyed the town of Arkadelphia,
Arkansas and the storm that caused the tornadoes caused a 500-year flood on the Ohio River.
These tornadoes did a total of $1 billion in damages. In 1998 Hurricane George hit the Gulf
Coast. In May of 1999 the most powerful tornadoes ever to hit the U.S. hit Oklahoma and
Kansas. There were at least 50 in all. In September of 1999 Hurricane Dennis hit North Carolina;
damage was minimal. Again in the same month North Carolina was hit by Hurricane Floyd. This
was “the greatest disaster to hit North Carolina since the Civil War,” it did $1 billion in damages.
In October of 1999 North Carolina was hit by Hurricane Irene and California was hit with “the
fifth most powerful earthquake to hit America in the twentieth century.” Another earthquake of
equal size hit the southwest. By God’s grace both of these earthquakes hit sparsely populated
areas and did little damage. All of these natural disasters occurred within a day of U.S. pressures
on Israel to give up land for peace.
Can you imagine the outcry from America if President Bush
would have offered to give away part of the United States to the Middle East after September
The disasters continued under the term of President Bush Jr. In 2003 devastating
tornadoes struck the Midwest and Hurricane Isabel struck Washington DC. The Midwest
tornadoes followed on the heels of president Bush’s “Roadmap for Peace” in Israel. In this plan
he called for the establishment of a Palestinian state in Israel. Hurricane Isabel struck
Washington DC, the very location were the “Roadmap for Peace” was formed. The Hurricane
struck the U.S. one week after the White House had ordered Israel not to expel Yasir Arafat.
God Is Not Surprised
None of these events are a surprise to our heavenly Father. God is not surprised that
America has turned her back on him. He is the “Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end”
(Revelation 1:8, 11; 21:6; 22:13). Before the foundations of the earth were laid, God knew that
America would rise up to be the greatest nation in earth’s history. He knew that our great nation
would be an instrument for spreading the gospel around the world and that we would eventually
turn our back on him and his law. He also knew that the wickedness of America would one day
require him to judge America. I believe God has named America “Babylon” and that he has
described America and her judgment in Revelation 18. I do not ask you to take my word on this
but to carefully look at the word of God and the historical evidence and let the Holy Spirit
convict your heart.
I believe that Revelation 18 is a warning to the people of America. God is not willing that
any should perish (Mathew 18:14 and 2 Peter 3:9). His warning is not a message of doom and
gloom but of hope, restoration, and forgiveness. God is asking Americans to: “Come out of her,
my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues”
(Revelation 18:4).
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