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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                111
focused in the hypothalamus, I would expect anyone with expertise in these areas
could verify the direct effect of aspartame poisoning in producing the fatal
aberrant shock mechanism in those exposed to it. The mere occurrence of severe
athletic stress does not do so by itself.... [The New England Journal of Medicine
published the article “Magnitude of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy and Risk of
Sudden Death in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.” Dr. Bowen told Martini:] Yes,
that is what aspartame does.
“The Artificially Sweetened Times, is a community service publication sponsored by The
Idaho Observer newspaper and produced in cooperation with Mission Possible and Vaccination
Liberation. The intent of the editors is to present a balance of information regarding the synthetic
food and beverage sweetener aspartame and its link to epidemic illness and death.” The
publication has four prominent medical doctors as Medical Consultants. These doctors include:
Russell Blaylock, MD; James Bowen, MD; H.J. Roberts, MD; and John Olney, MD. The
publication attributes aspartame as one of the causes of SCD. The 24-page booklets are available
in bulk; 100 for $35. Visit the website of Vaccination Liberation at
What the Doctors Are Saying
Dr. Ralph S. Walton, MD, is a Professor and Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry
at Northeastern Ohio University's College of Medicine, he states: “I believe your poisoning
yourself when you take aspartame.” Dr. Walton conducted a double blind study on aspartame in
which one participant, a PhD psychologist, went blind in one eye as the result of an eye bleed
several days into the study. Another participant, a nurse, also had an eye bleed. The study was
stopped over concern of the participants.
Dr. Walton compiled 166 studies on aspartame conducted between 1970 and 1998 and
divided them into two groups. Group one consisted of 74 studies of which 60 were conducted by
Searle and NutraSweet and 14 by members the food industry. Group two consisted of 92
independent studies, the vast majority of which were conducted by Universities. All the studies
in group one showed aspartame to be safe. Eighty-five (92%) of the studies in group two showed
adverse reaction to the consumption of aspartame. All but one of the studies which showed
aspartame to be safe in group two were conducted by the FDA
and as was already shown,
many within the FDA were far from independent. A Former FDA Investigator, Arthur
Evangelista, attests that several of these key people responsible for aspartame's approval were
promised great jobs by the food industry while they were working for the FDA.
Endocrinologist (diabetic specialist) H.J. Roberts, MD, FACP, has studied the case
histories of 1,300 aspartame victims for over 15 years. He is the author of several books:
Difficult Diagnosis (was used by over 60,000 doctors), Aspartame Disease: An Ignored
Epidemic (a medical text), Sweet'ner Dearest and Aspartame (Nutrasweet): Is It Safe? Dr.
Roberts has labeled the symptoms of aspartame consumption as “Aspartame Disease”. He says
the term disease is consistent with Hippocratic writings. The symptoms are identifiable,
predictable and reproducible. The symptoms improve when aspartame in removed from the diet
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