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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                122
some natural varieties have disappeared forever, Tuxill said….
It is not just
obscure plant types that are disappearing, the report says in describing problems
around the globe. Varieties of common crops also are on the decline: Less than 20
percent of vegetable seed varieties listed in a 1904 U.S. national inventory are
available commercially today. China has lost nearly 90 percent of its traditional
wheat varieties since World War II. Mexican farmers are raising only 20 percent
of the corn varieties cultivated in the 1930s [that’s an 80% decline in seed
variation just in Mexican corn].
(emphasis added)
Genetic Modification
The concerns stated above, for the most part, are related to hybridization rather than
genetic modification but the potential perils that can arise due to genetic modification are a very
real concern today. The genetic modification-taking place today seems like science fiction. Seeds
are being genetically modified to produce crops, which are resistant to herbicides; others are
being modified to produce their own pesticides. Still other experiments include putting animal
DNA in seeds and modifying plants to grow plastics and vaccines. Finally, there has been a
development that the press has named “Terminator Technology.” This technology through
various methods that have been patented by several companies allows seed companies to prevent
crops from producing seeds, therefore farmers cannot save seeds for planting and must buy new
seeds year after year. Each of the genetic modification technologies presents unique risks to the
worlds food supply.
One major concern regards the safety of consuming of genetically modified food. While
proponents of the technology maintain that there is no evidence that genetically manipulated
foods are unsafe, adversaries of genetically engineered food challenge that we do not know that
it is safe. Subsequently, as was reported by Melody Peterson of the New York Times:
“Consumers and food companies in a growing number of countries are shunning the new crops
created by genetic engineers at such companies as Monsanto, DuPont and Novartis. Foreign
consumers say they do not wish to eat the new foods like corn that have been altered to produce
their own pesticide…”
The concern that genetically modified crops may not be safe to consume is held by what
would seem to be the bulk of the world’s consumers, particularly in Europe and Africa. Even the
shareholders of Monsanto are concerned. In 2002 a shareholder resolution urged “the company
to re-think the safety of genetically engineered seeds” then “the company's flagship product.”
The safety of long-term consumption is a very legitimate concern.
God the Father through Jesus Christ created all things.
When the creation was finished
God said that it was good (Genesis 1:31). When God said that his creation was good I believe
him. Of course, since sin entered the world the creation has been spiraling downward but never
the less it remains a reflection of a loving creator. I do not believe that God has entrusted with
sinful men the wisdom and knowledge to improve on His creation.
For example, tomatoes, potatoes and eggplant come from the nightshade family of plants,
which include poisonous weeds. Once the DNA of one of these crops is changed will it more
closely resemble one of its poisonous relatives? Science can’t always answer that question.
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