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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                126
them are American. These entities include “Delta & Pine Land and the US Department of
Agriculture; Syngenta, DuPont, Monsanto, BASF, and Purdue, Iowa State and Cornell
As a result of the development of this technology united voices from across the globe
have denounced it. In 1998, a precautionary moratorium on the seed technology was instituted at
a Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) conference.
So strong was the outcry against the
terminator technology been that Monsanto announced in 1999 that it would no longer pursue
commercialization of the technology.
The sincerity of the company is in doubt after a report in
support of the terminator technology was released in February of 2003. Doubt is raised because a
Monsanto employee coauthored the report.
In February 2005 at the Bangkok meeting of the
UN CBD, Monsanto, Delta & Pine Land, Crop Life International, PHARMA (pharmaceutical
manufacturers), and the International Seed Federation failed at a lobbying effort to have the
restrictions on “Terminator” seed technology lifted. The issue was scheduled to be addressed
again in 2006.
Concern regarding the terminator technology is both economic and environmental.
Concerning the economic impact Emma Must of the World Development Movement said, “By
peddling suicide (terminator) seeds the biotechnology multinationals will lock the world's
poorest farmers into a new form of genetic serfdom.” “Currently 80 per cent of crops grown in
developing countries are grown using farm-saved seeds. Being unable to save seeds from sterile
crops could mean the difference between surviving or going under.”
The technology could end
up forcing “farmers back into the seed shop for a fresh supply [of seed] every year, and the
company has the exclusive right to issue or deny licenses.
This revelation is extremely significant. This technology could put the production of food
around the world into the hands of only a few companies. Ultimately as the world moves to a
one-world government this could lead to complete control of the worlds food supply by one man.
We know this man as the antichrist or the leader of the NWO.
That’s right; US technology could put the world’s food supply in the control of the
antichrist. He alone would control the licenses on seed. He alone would determine who gets seed
and who doesn’t. Famines could be created at will by denying the licenses of seeds to
individuals, nations or regions of the world. But this is only one side of the controversy. The
other side is environmental risks.
Isabel McCrea, of Action Aid voiced the first environmental concern that the seed base
will be damaged. He said: “The whole concept of this invention is based around making the poor
pay for seeds instead of saving their own. It risks damaging the seed base poor people depend
(Emphasis added)
Professor N Najundaswamy, president of the 10 million-strong Karnataka farmers'
association voiced a second environmental concern. This concern being that cross-pollination
could prevent native crops from producing seeds. He said: “This is a terminator of food security.
It is a damaging technology because pollination pollution can render indigenous (native)
varieties sterile. This gene will remove all characteristics of germination from our seeds.”
A molecular geneticist, Michael Antoniou, voiced a third concern, which is these plants
would be void of life giving energy. The very energy we need to obtain from our food to keep us
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