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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                156
Bucharest, Romania in August 1974.)
One might look at these statements and conclude that they are just a few lunatics who
have no power to implement global depopulation. Unfortunately, the evidence to the contrary is
all around us as has been demonstrated. A former director of USAID and two former CIA
directors have testified to the US’s involvement in depopulation programs. Those who are in
office cannot make their beliefs public but must act covertly. The evidence is clear, these are not
just tongue and cheek statements; these are hard felt beliefs that shape these peoples actions and
US government policy. These policies include depopulation programs for the US. Dr. Leonard
G. Horowitz is one of the nations leading researchers working to expose US efforts that have led
to the development of biological weapons for depopulation programs. In his book Death in the
Air: Globalism, Terrorism & Toxic Warfare he makes the following statement:
In this context of genocide, it is alarming that this country’s most powerful
policy-makers have considered it urgent, in 1998, to reduce the U.S. population
by 50%. Thus, we see that people are being killed slowly through cofactor
methods of intoxication as delivered by petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, and/or
biologicals, in the name of public health.
If you are someone who has always apposed abortion, you’ve probably wondered how it
ever became legal. It’s so evil and so clearly wrong! Dr. Stanley Monteith does not support
abortion and neither do I but I agree with his statement of why it came about: “Current abortion
policies in America are absolutely necessary to reduce our population. That is why a minor child
can be taken from school to an abortion clinic without parental notification, yet that same child
cannot be given an aspirin without parental consent. It all has to do with population control.”
The evidence that I will discuss below indicates that evil plans have been laid and
executed to begin to achieve this very goal of a drastic reduction in the earth’s population. Evil
people do things for irrational reasons. It is often difficult to understand why evil people do evil
things. It is not my purpose to explain or even pretend that I understand the motives behind
population control. The motives are likely different for different groups of people while the
objectives may be the same. As an illustration of how Babylon has poured out the wine of her
wrath on the nation of the world, it doesn't matter whether millions have died around the globe as
a result of the actions of the US by accident or by design; the point is they have died. With this
said, I think the evidence will show that it has been by design. I think a perfect example of this is
Gulf War Syndrome.
The Origin of Gulf War Syndrome
Gulf War Syndrome (GWS), also called Gulf War Illness (GWI), consists of not just one
particular disease or group of symptoms but many diseases and symptoms that have plagued the
veterans of Operation Desert Storm in Iraq in 1991 from many nations. Veterans of the war have
complained of symptoms including: joint and muscle pain, muscular weakness, depression,
fatigue, headache, migraines, loss of memory, confusion, tremors, dizziness, insomnia,
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